


Pro Golfer Bubba Watson Shares Encouragement from the Fairway

Posted on Jun 04, 2015   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living
Posted by : Admin

So don’t be surprised, dear brothers and sisters, if the world hates you. —1 John 3:13 ɴʟᴛ

What is the apostle John referring to as “the world”?

It is the pursuit of all things that in the end pass away. It includes the things man values but God doesn’t. The world doesn’t love what God loves, and the world doesn’t do things the way God does.

I experienced this contrast in a tournament when my last putt rattled to the bottom of the hole, securing my win. That moment was a showcase of God’s love and purposes.

In what other sport will your competitors actually make their way out to celebrate with you? In this moment, God’s kingdom showed how it exists in such contrast to the world.

Make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. —Philippians 2:2 ɴʟᴛ

One of the impressive aspects of the Masters at Augusta National is the crowd control. I’m amazed that people actually agree to the culture of Augusta—no cell phones, no autographs outside of designated areas, no litter, and no running.

The most impressive is that people work together, sharing their seats in a way that is unlike any PGA tournament I am aware of. People seem to care for other patrons and even look out for each other.

I love this passage of Scripture [Philippians 2:2] because it gives me great hope. We are all on the same team—we’re all created by God. All of us have the same mind and purpose, but sometimes we need to be reminded.

It’s not about a green jacket—it’s about loving God with my whole heart and loving those whom God puts around me.

* * *

Where have you seen God’s love showcased in a way that contrasted sharply with the world’s ways? How can you treat others in ways that demonstrate that we are all on the same team?

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