


Reality Check: Are You Putting Google Before God?

Posted on Jul 02, 2015   Topic : Women's Christian Living

My daughter Noelle came home from school and her right eye looked red. Do you know what I did right away? I googled “pinkeye” to read about its symptoms and treatment.

Having the Internet is like having a doctor at your side. You have instructions to practically any problem you face online, which is great...or is it? 

Our growing dependency on data may be eroding our dependency on the Divine. After all, the answers to our questions are on our smartphone, right in our back pocket. While there’s nothing wrong with seeking information online, there is something terribly wrong when we constantly turn to Google before we turn to God.

Remember the declaration found in Psalm 121:1-2, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lᴏʀᴅ, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Imagine if it were rewritten this way: “I lift up my eyes to my phone—where does my help come from? My help comes from Google, the holder of all information.”

In this digital age, we can get our wires crossed. The answers to your family’s problems aren’t found on homepages or search engines. The answers you need are found in the ancient pages of God’s Word and by speaking to the source of wisdom Himself.

One study has found that on average, people use their mobile devices 150 times a day. Imagine if we prayed that often! What if instead of habitually reaching for our phones, we reached out to God in prayer?

Think about it. Could you go a whole day without talking to God? Probably. Could you go a whole day without your cell phone or any Internet access? Ouch, that would hurt more, wouldn’t it? We are ever dependent on our calorie trackers, social media posts, playlists, texts, and emails.

Remember the words of the psalmist: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains.” You don’t have to wait until a vacation to experience the calming effect of being in nature. You can take a five-minute prayer walk around your home or simply look outside the window as you talk to the Creator of it all. There’s a richness only silence and stillness offers, but we seldom have the patience to wait on the Lord in our 140-character tweet world.

Today our idols aren’t golden calves or wooden images. They’re phones and tablets and laptops and DVRs. Of course technology should be used and can be used for good in your life. But if you follow the culture’s growing dependence on technology, you won’t need God nearly as much as you need Wi-Fi.

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