


Remind Your Daughter She Can Always Count on God

Posted on Apr 03, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Elizabeth George

In this life, we will experience trials. Share this excerpt from Living Your Faith: A Journey Through James with your daughter today. Remind her that the answers for dealing with tough situations can be found in God's Word.


What are your trails and tests? I'm sure you have your share of tough times! In fact, tough times are a fact of life. Jesus told us, "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33). Do you ever wonder, "What am I supposed to do in tough times? What am I supposed to do with my problems?"

Well, you'll be happy to hear that James has some lessons and great advice for dealing with your tough times and trials.

Learning to Count

In school you learned how to add up a column of numbers—and hopefully get the right answer! James tells us, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds." The New King James Version says "Count it all joy." When you "count" or add up your sufferings and problems and disappointments what does James say is the correct answer in chapter 1, verse 2?

Read verse 2 again and think about the word "many," as in "trials of many kinds." No one wants to face and deal with even one trial! And yet James speaks of many kinds of trials. Maybe you have already experienced several kinds of trials, like...

—a tough decision to do the right thing

—a tragedy in your family

—a serious illness

—facing a mean girl every day in school

—struggling with a difficult subject in school

Well, here's some very good news! God does not ask you or any of His people to understand our trials. But He does want us to trust Him and His wisdom and His plan for us. When you do this—you will find joy in Him, joy in His promises, and joy in His perfect will for your wonderful, special, unique life!


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