


See Your Role in a New Light with These Prayers for Parents

Posted on Mar 28, 2017   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Nick Harrison and Hope Lyda

As parents, we have a high calling from God. While it’s a joyous calling, it’s also a perilous calling, fraught with unexpected circumstances, emotional outbursts (sometimes from the kids too), and a clash of personalities (“Are we sure this is our kid?”).

Thank God that He gives us a powerful resource in prayer. 

May these short prayers help jumpstart your daily intercession for your family. These prayers don’t end with an “amen” so you can continue beyond the final sentence and add a few words of your own.

Mom’s Prayer

Lord, You teach me the ways of motherhood. Your gentle touch comforts me. Your precepts direct me. And Your commands keep my steps firmly on the path You make for me. But some days I feel as though I’m either faking motherhood or I have started a round of “playing house” that will not end.

On days like today, when I don’t know if I can pretend one more minute, You give me a gift. A child calls out seeking my love. I mend a broken heart and fix a broken bike. And You remind me that my version of motherhood is real. And although I am not perfect, may my motherhood reflect the love of my heavenly parent.

Dad’s Prayer

Father, You see where I am now in my role as a dad. You see the stages of fatherhood behind me and before me. Help me to be a great dad during this present stage, knowing it will soon change as the kids grow up.

May I easily discern the differences in each stage of fathering and act accordingly, knowing what worked two years ago may not work now. Allow me to fully see each of my children where they are now and to see what their needs are now. Awaken me, Lord, as each new stage approaches. Prepare me for the necessary changes.

* * *

No matter how busy we are, our family is our first priority, right after our relationship with our Father in heaven. Won’t you take a minute to pray for yours today?

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