


Seeing Your Home and Yourself the Way God Does

Posted on Feb 15, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : KariAnne Wood

I still remember the first day I fell in love with my house. It was early on a spring morning when the sun was shining and the birds were chirping and fluffy white clouds were floating by in a blue sky. I poured a cup of coffee and walked from room to room—waking up the house along the way. I fluffed the pillows in the living room and told it how beautiful it was. I straightened the curtains in the dining room and reminded the dining room chairs they were amazing. I stacked bowls in the dishwasher and whispered softly to the kitchen that it was my favorite room in the house.

My house is loved; however, it isn’t perfect. Not even close. But here’s the thing…

…neither am I.

It took me a long time to figure out how to embrace the me that I am. I spent years trying to have the perfect house and the perfect me. I wasted so much time comparing my beginning to someone else’s ending. I looked at the green grass on the other side of the fence and felt like my house was inadequate—like my house was never going to be good enough. I wanted to click my ruby red slippers together and transform my home and myself into someone taller and skinnier with perfect hair who could rock a prairie skirt, concho belt, and Lee Press-On Nails.

And then? One day I stopped comparing. I stopped hoping and wishing and planning and dreaming for something I wasn’t and embraced the me that had been there all along. The me that was created by an incredible, amazing, awe-inspiring God who designed me with a plan and a purpose. I’m imperfect and distressed and worn around the edges with flaws and weaknesses and I’m a sinner saved by grace.

Every detail. Every line. Every flaw.

Every imperfection.

I want you to discover the joy found in creating a haven for your family, one where every member feels loved, safe, and special. I want to share that every home, including yours, is one-of-a-kind. Every home is meant to be loved right where it is on the journey.

Just like you.

You are perfect in God’s sight.

Just as you are.

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