


Strengthen Your Marriage with Prayers for Joy

Posted on Jan 09, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Nick Harrison and Hope Lyda

The Christian life is a joyful life. We are blessed to have the joy of the Lord as one of the fruits of the Spirit. Exhibiting joy in our roles as husbands and wives is crucial. A joyless marriage is drudgery. Consider that the joy of the Lord is your strength, not only personally, but also in your marriage.

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A Husband’s Prayer

The joy of the Lord is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10 (ESV)

Father, you have given me great joy in Christ. I am a blessed man and I rejoice in all that you’ve given me, especially my wife. I pray for our mutual joy, that it might be centered in you and that it might increase with time. Help us keep joy alive in our home, even amid adversity when it comes. Praise you, God, that you have so designed it that your joy is actually our source of strength. When we would be strong, we must rejoice.

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A Wife’s Prayer

They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
Psalm 145:7 (NIV)

Show me how to embrace life. Teach me and my husband how to truly celebrate the gift of our days. When we drag our feet, teach us to dance. When our hearts are heavy with worldly pressures, lift us above the world. Put a song in my heart that I long to share with everyone. God, when my husband and I serve one another, let us rejoice in the doing. May our efforts at praise and celebration bring You joy and our lives peace.

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