


Teach Your Child What it Means to Be Brave

Posted on Sep 26, 2017   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living

Share this excerpt from A Brave Big Sister with your kids today. Teach them what it means to be brave and bold like Moses' sister, Miriam.


"A baby!" squealed Miriam when Mom and Dad announced their family was adding a new member. Soon Mom gave birth to a baby boy. When Miriam saw him, she gasped. "He is the most beautiful baby!" Her baby brother had huge, dark, intelligent eyes and a head of thick, black curls.

Miriam and her family were Israelites—Hebrews—and they were slaves in Egypt. Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, was afraid the Israelite slaves would take his place as king. So he declared to his people, "No more Israelite baby boys are allowed in my kingdom!"

For three months, Miriam, Mom, and Dad hid the new baby in their home. When it became too dangerous for the baby to stay with them, Miriam's mom purchased a basket and covered it with tar and pitch to make it waterproof.

Early one morning, Miriam and her mom slipped out of the house and tiptoed through their neighborhood to the Nile River. Mom carried the baby close to her, and Miriam carried the special basket. When they arrived at the Nile, Mom tucked the sleeping baby in the basket and placed the basket in the river. 

With tears in her eyes, she said, "Miriam will you watch your brother while I work?" Miriam nodded. "I will, Mom." As the morning sun rose over the water, Miriam's mother left. Miriam hid in the high grass, watching the basket, which was sheltered among the reeds at the river's edge. 

"God will you please protect our little baby?" Miriam prayed. God loved Miriam, and God heard her prayer.

Check out this exclusive animated book trailer: 


What will become of Miriam and her baby brother?

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