


Ten Good Reasons to Read God’s Word

Posted on Mar 20, 2024   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Stormie Omartian

Today, more and more believing women are given an open door to become all they were created to be. They are moving out in different areas of influence and ministry and making a difference. They are learning to rely on the power of God to prepare them and open the doors. They are realizing they are not just an afterthought in the order of God’s creation. They were created for a special purpose.

So often we don’t move into all God has for us because we don’t understand what it is He has for us. If we don’t know exactly what His promises are, we can’t get a clear perspective of our situation. God’s “divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:3-4).

We need to know God’s promises well enough to keep them perpetually in our minds and on our hearts. We need to know how to pray so we can partner with God and see His will done in our lives.

One of the primary ways we grow to understand what God has for us is by reading His Word. Here are ten good reasons to begin doing so.

Ten Good Reasons to Read God’s Word

  1. To know where you are going. You can’t foresee the future or exactly where you are heading, but God’s Word will guide you (Psalm 119:133).
  2. To have wisdom. Knowledge of God’s Word is where wisdom begins to grow in you (Psalm 19:7).
  3. To find success. When you live according to the teachings of the Bible, life works (Joshua 1:8).
  4. To live in purity. You must live a life of holiness and purity in order to enjoy more of the Lord’s presence, but you can’t be made pure without being cleansed through God’s Word (Psalm 119:9).
  5. To obey God. If you don’t understand what God’s laws are, how can you obey them? (Psalm 119:33-35).
  6. To have joy. You cannot be free of anxiety and unrest without the Word of God in your heart (Psalm 19:8).
  7. To grow in faith. You can’t grow in faith without reading and hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
  8. To find deliverance. You won’t know what you need to be free of unless you study God’s Word to find out (John 8:31-32).
  9. To have peace. God will give you a peace that the world can’t give, but you must find it first in His Word (Psalm 119:165).
  10. To distinguish good from evil. Everything has become so relative today, how can you know for sure what is right and wrong without God’s Word? (Psalm 119:11).

When you live according to God’s Word and by the power of His Holy Spirit, you can trust that you are in the right place at the right time and that the Lord is doing great things in you and through you. You can trust that God is moving you into the wholeness, purpose, and blessing He has for you.

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