


The Best Medicine

Posted on May 25, 2021   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional
Posted by : Jonny Hawkins and Bob Phillips

Whether you’re recovering from an illness, struggling with personal issues, dealing with a crisis, or just having a rough time, humor can be the pick-me-up you need to feel better. Brighten your day with a little Laughter Therapy!


A little boy came home from Sunday school and told his mother they had just learned a new song about a boy named Andy. His mother couldn’t understand what he meant until he sang:

Andy walks with me,

Andy talks with me,

Andy tells me I am His own!


The following conversation was overheard at a party attended by high society people:

“My ancestry goes all the way back to Alexander the Great,” said one lady. She then turned to a second lady and said, “And how far does your family go back?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “All of our records were lost in the Flo


Did you hear about the church janitor who also played the piano on Sunday? He watched his keys and pews.


Surgeon: I think the medical profession is the first profession mentioned in the Bible. God made Eve by carving a rib out of Adam.

Engineer: No, engineering was first. Just think of the engineering job it was to create things out of chaos.

Politician: That’s nothing…who do you think created chaos?

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