


The Rise of Globalism

Posted on Jun 14, 2022   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Prophecy
Posted by : Steve Miller

The speed at which our world continues to become more interconnected and interdependent through advanced technology is mind-boggling. There are many more connected devices in the world than there are people. The International Data Corporation forecasts “that by 2025, 41.6 billion devices will be capturing data on how we live, work, move through our cities and operate and maintain the machines on which we depend.” Those devices far outnumber our planet’s population of 8 billion.

When we think of connected devices, typically our first thoughts are of smartphones and computers. But this network also includes cameras, sensors, security systems, smart speakers, thermostats, and other technologies designed to exchange data with other systems and devices over the internet. Known as the internet of things (IoT), these resources have numerous applications in wearable technology, medical care, automation, remote monitoring, and more. The more that people turn to these kinds of technological tools in their lives, the greater the number of connections all over the globe.

We’re told that the number of smart devices in use will likely reach about 50 billion by 2030 and that 90 percent of the “big data” produced worldwide has been created in just the last two years. At the start of 2021, nearly 4.7 billion people were using the internet, and nearly 4.9 billion were using smartphones.[ii] Globally, there were 4.14 billion active social media users.[iii] And the number of connections will continue to grow at lightning speed. During the four-month period from December 2020 to March 2021 alone, the number of users on the internet increased by 115 million people,[iv] or nearly 30 million per month.

All this technology and connectivity have reshaped our world and created vast networks that are speeding up the process of globalization. The more digitally connected we become, the more globally integrated we become—and the easier it will be for the world’s final ruler to keep a watchful eye on everyone.


The shortcoming of human-driven globalism is that, as it attempts to resolve the world’s problems, it fails to address the greatest one of all: sin. Ultimately, every problem we face on earth can be traced back to the destructive effects of sin. As long as sin is present in this world, people will be divided rather than united.

The good things we all desire—peace, unity, love, justice—are possible only with God’s help. If God Himself isn’t the solution, globalism will never be successful. That’s because the default mode of humanity is selfishness, division, and strife. It has always been that way and always will be. In fact, things will get worse. The Bible clearly states that “in the last days…people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God”

(2 Timothy 3:1-4).

That’s what God says we can expect more of in the future—the same future that globalists are saying can be filled with peace, harmony, equality, and justice. Apart from God, the utopic visions advocated by globalists will never become reality.


With Each Day that Passes, We Are Drawing Nearer to Heaven

The closer globalists get to achieving their false utopia, the closer we as Christians are to entering our true utopia. The global society of the end times will be destroyed at Christ’s return, after which He will set up His millennial kingdom on earth. Then we are headed for heaven—and eternity.

Are you living today—and every day—in anticipation of that?

We Have What the World Wants

We belong to a God who is able to give His children many of the very things globalists long for. Are you living your life in a way that allows unbelievers to see that you possess the joy, peace, and hope only God can give?

The Church Is the Only True Globalist Entity that Exists

The church is made one by the fact that we are all indwelt by the Holy Spirit and are members of Christ’s body. We are all gifted in ways that can build up one another and nurture real unity. In Christ, we have a oneness that no amount of human striving can attain. Are you “doing church” in a way that demonstrates to the world the futility of seeking oneness outside of God?

We Are Citizens of Heaven, Not Earth

We are pilgrims passing through this world—we are citizens of heaven, not earth. No matter what the world offers, it won’t last. Only the things of God will. Are you letting this shape how you live and the priorities you pursue?

Jesus Christ Is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

This world belongs to Christ. He is coming back and will reign for eternity—

of that, we can be certain. Because He possesses perfect wisdom, He

will rule with perfect justice, perfect equality, perfect harmony, and perfect peace. Forever.

Do you live with active anticipation for the glorious future that awaits you?

Read more in Foreshadows by Steve Miller

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