


The Secret to Overcoming Temptation

Posted on Oct 16, 2018   Topic :
Posted by : Bruce H. Wilkinson

    How big of a sin are your temptations? To answer that important question, you need to understand a five foundational biblical truths about your temptations

    1. Temptations are not sinful or anything you should be ashamed of.

    Many people have always felt ashamed of their temptations. Why? Because they have assumed that temptations must be sinful. That’s probably the reason no one ever speaks about their temptations—we are ashamed of them.

    But the Bible clearly states that temptations are not a sin. Hebrews 4:15 contains the startling information:

    We do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

    Jesus was tempted in all points like we are, but He never sinned! If temptations were a sin, then Jesus sinned, because He was tempted just like we are. But the Bible clearly states that Jesus was sinless (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 3:5). Therefore, temptations cannot be a sin or anything to be ashamed of.

    2. Temptations are experienced by every single human being.

    No one escapes the onslaught of temptations. Not a single person. Hebrews 4:15 reveals that everyone is tempted: “But was in all points tempted as we are.” Did you see the words “as we are,” without any exceptions or limitations? You are tempted; she is tempted; he is tempted; they are tempted; I am tempted.

    3. Temptations come to everyone, no matter how godly.

    Far too many of us are tragically misinformed about the truth of temptations. People assume that the more godly a person becomes, the less temptations that person will face. Yet the most godly of all humans who ever lived, Jesus Christ, was “in all points tempted as we are”! Jesus wasn’t just tempted a little, but in “all” ways. Shocking, isn’t it ? Godliness does not in any way limit the number of temptations we may receive.

    4. Temptations are normal, God-given desires that seek to trespass God’s boundaries.

    What exactly are temptations? The answer may surprise you because temptations are based on the normal desires that God gave to all of us but with one thing out of place: Those desires seek to trespass the boundaries God established for us.

    In other words, a temptation is simply a good desire gone bad!

    Our God-given desires become temptations when we desire too much, or go too far, or seek to fulfill them in the wrong place or with the wrong person . Temptations are simply the inner push of our normal desires to overstep God’s boundaries. Often the Bible calls our sins a trespass, which means to go beyond a clear boundary into forbidden or off-limits territory.

    5. Temptations precede every single sin; if you overcome temptations, you won’t sin.

    Every sin you have ever committed or will commit is always—and I mean always—preceded by a temptation! If you aren’t tempted, guess what? You won’t sin!

    You must embrace this all-important fact: Temptations precede every sin.

    With that in mind, look at how Hebrews 4:15 connects temptations and sin: “But was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”

    Jesus was tempted, but He did not permit the desires He felt to find inappropriate fulfillment in any selfish or sinful act. This means Jesus felt the desire, just like all of us do; He just chose not to allow those desires to give birth to sin.

    Perhaps the great overlooked secret of overcoming sin in your life is to focus on defeating the temptations you face, and not so much on defeating the sins that are the result of your choice to give in to your temptations! Here are the three stages working in every temptation: Desire →Temptation →Sin

    If you tone down the intensity of your wrongful desire, then temptations flee into the darkness, powerless and defeated. When you defeat a temptation, you no longer have to struggle with that particular desire to sin because you exercised your self-discipline and said no to that straying desire.

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