


This Valentine’s Day, Remind Your Daughter She’s Loved

Posted on Feb 09, 2017   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living

Valentine's Day isn't just for romance. It can be a day to celebrate many different expressions of love and what is more beautiful than the love God has for us? This holiday, share this short devotion with the special tween girl in your life to remind her she's deeply loved by God. And there's a special surprise waiting for her at the bottom of the page!    


Can you finish this sentence? 

I feel loved when ________________________________________________________________________. 

Hmmm. I wonder what you wrote. I will tell you mine—I feel loved when someone buys me a present! 

Maybe you feel loved when you get a really good grade, score the winning goal, or when your mom snuggles with you and gives you a really big hug. Or maybe it’s when someone you love gives you a smile. 

All of these are really great things and can definitely make you feel special on the inside. When you feel loved, you are probably kinder to others, you feel safer, happy, and want to do your best. Sometimes you may even feel like you have to keep working hard at being kind to make sure you are always loved. 

Now, can I ask you another question? This one may be a little harder to answer, but I think you can handle it, okay?

When don’t you feel loved? 

That’s more difficult to think about, right? 

Well, you don’t have to tell anyone what you answered to either of these questions, but here is what you need to know: “The LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:5). 

So in other words, this Scripture is saying God loves you forever. 

Yes, forever! 

God wants you to know that no matter what you may feel like, you are loved, and not just today but forever! You may have a lot of people around who love you, but no one’s love for you is as special as God’s. 

Wow—that is fantastic news, isn’t it? This means you can always feel safe and happy. And when you feel safe and happy you are most likely willing to do your best! Knowing this should also help you to be kind to those around you, with the same kindness God has shown you. 

Now, I want you to know there are times when you may feel sad or disappointed, and God loves you then too. Even when you do not feel your best, remember that you are still loved. Even when you fail, God loves you! And when you feel like you have to work harder to be loved, well, God already loves you more than you’ll ever know, and you don’t have to do anything to earn His love. 

Romans 8:39 reminds us that “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

You heard it! Nothing at all. His love is here to stay.


Here's a sweet Valentine's Day card that your tween girl can color and give to someone special.  

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