


Three Truths to Know When Searching for Purpose in Life

Posted on Oct 22, 2021   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Phil Waldrep

If God’s plan for me is to magnify Him with my life, then there are a few truths that will relieve the pressure of trying to be happy.

I Was Created for a Purpose

Science sees human beings as the result of a biological act that occurred when a sperm from a male and an egg from a female united. It may have been planned, or maybe it wasn’t. It can occur through natural means or in a petri dish. To unbelieving scientists, the creation of human life is a roll of the dice with different DNA factors fighting for dominance.

From God’s perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. Your conception was a divine act with the God of the universe involved in every minute detail. The psalmist, realizing this truth, expressed his thanksgiving to God when he wrote, “I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).

In the Old Testament, God appointed Jeremiah to the role of a prophet. Jeremiah’s mission was to warn Israel of the dangers of forgetting God and failing to serve the Lord. When Jeremiah wrote about discovering his purpose, God revealed to Jeremiah how He was involved in the prophet’s formation before the man was born.

Quoting the Lord, Jeremiah wrote, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).

When you were created in your mother’s womb, your Heavenly Father oversaw every detail to make sure you had everything you needed to fulfill His plan for you. But it didn’t stop there. God even chose when and where we would be born. When I reflect on my life, I know that I couldn’t do what God called me to do if I lived in the 1600s or in North Korea. The people born then and there had or have the same mission (to glorify God), but their assignment was or is different from mine.

Jeremiah had a highly visible assignment. His assignment, however, wasn’t more important than the assignment God has for you. Jeremiah spoke to a nation. Your assignment might be ministering on a regular basis to one person. But considering how every person is valuable in the sight of God, then your assignment—highly visible or less visible—is equally important in God’s plan. When you find your purpose, you will say, “I was made for this!”

I Have a Compass to Set My Priorities

If God created you for a reason, and you dedicate yourself to it, it becomes clear what you should and should not do with your life. You should prioritize your personal relationship with Christ. You should see hurting people and share their struggles.

You should value your relationships with your spouse, children, family, and friends.

You should control your schedule and prevent your work from destroying relationships.

You should build healthy boundaries for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Allowing your mission to set your priorities, you now have time to do the things you should and the courage to say no to the things you should not.

I Have a Guide to Help Me Make Decisions

If God is the originator of your purpose, and your mission is to draw attention to Him, then His Word, the Bible, becomes your guide when making decisions. God’s Word points out the sin you must avoid, tells you the truth you must follow, and helps you understand how the Holy Spirit empowers you to do both.

Recently, I was traveling to speak in a small, rural church in Mississippi. I had no idea how to get there. All I had was an address. Before I left home, I programmed the address in the navigational app in my vehicle. As I drove out of my neighborhood, a voice and a visual map told me every turn to make. Occasionally, the voice didn’t speak for miles. But I was going in the right direction and following previous instructions. Even if I got distracted and missed a turn, the moment the app realized my error, it told me how to get back on the right road.

The Bible is your map. It tells you where your Heavenly Father wants you to go and tells you how to be what He desires. The Holy Spirit is the voice that speaks to your heart, helping you make decisions and apply what the Bible tells you.

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