


Trusting Your Time to God

Posted on Nov 10, 2020   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Ruth Chou Simons

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

—Proverbs 3:5-6

It always feels like it takes an eternity to get to a place you’ve never been.

When you’re unfamiliar with the way that road winds around the stand of trees and can’t see past a rocky ascent you’ve never traversed, you are tempted to doubt. Some of us enjoy a good surprise, but when direction and decisions are at stake, most of us want to know there’s a solid plan that leads us down a straight path.

But rarely is it so simple. Each day is filled with unending choices, big and small:

What to fix for supper…

How to educate our children… How to have more joy… Whom to trust as a friend…

What to cut from our busy schedules… How to use our time…

How to proceed with a health crisis…

How to forgive someone who has wounded us deeply…

There is no end to the choices we must make daily, nor a limit to how weighty those decisions can feel at times. Even small decisions sometimes have large implications—and we fear we lack the ability to choose wisely. I even recently blurted out to a friend in the midst of pressing decisions about direction and everyday choices, “I have decision fatigue!” You may know the feeling. But today’s crossroads aren’t meant to highlight our own wisdom or ability to stay on course, but rather to reveal where we place our confidence.

Maybe you’ve been leaning on your own understanding when your Father’s given you the security of His presence to lean on. And perhaps your path is not what you expected or hoped for. Mine isn’t either. But Proverbs tells us to wield our hearts to do what we know is true: In all our ways that feel reason- able, acknowledge that He is faithful. In all our ways that seem unreasonable, do the same.

The straightness of the path has less to do with the ease of our travel than the direction of our true destination. When we believe and walk in the light of His trustworthiness, we can hardly miss finding Him to be so.

The biggest decision you and I face today may not be what we will do next, but whom we will trust. It’s not warm feelings and wishful thinking we’re told to put our trust in. We’re to trust in the God who led His people into the desert so they might know the end of their power and the fullness of His provision. He’s doing the same with us this day.

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