


Turn to Prayer to Change Your Marriage

Posted on Mar 13, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

We know that prayer has the power to change people and situations. But how often do you really pray purposefully for your spouse? This guided prayer can offer insight, and help you approach the Lord with confidence as you commit to pray daily for your husband. Start with this prayer of praise, followed by offering specific prayers for your husband, and close with the prayer of blessing and intervention.

Praise God

Heavenly Father, You are the source of everything we need. You promise that You will supply all of our needs according to Your riches in glory. But You ask that my husband and I put You first as a part of the process of obtaining all that we need. You ask that we seek You first. It is only when You are first in my husband’s life that Your provision flows freely through and to him in the marketplace. Thank You for showing us the key that You are the ultimate source of fulfilling our needs, not his work or our finances. Thank You for taking such amazing care of Your creation with the birds and lilies in the fields, and You even know the number of hairs on our heads! I praise You that not only do You make Your unlimited abundance available to us as our Lord, but that You also encourage us to never doubt Your provision and loyal care for us, no matter what the present circumstances may appear to be. I praise You that You do all things well and always have our best interests at heart.

Present the Situation

Use this portion to mention to God the times you’ve seen your husband put Him first. Ask God to show your husband much favor when he makes the hard decisions that come from putting Him first in all things. It’s good to be as specific in your prayers as you can. Focus on the particular areas where you feel that your husband could grow with regard to looking to God and His viewpoint first. Also, mention areas where you feel he could grow in putting God first in his time, with his talents, and with your finances. Praise the Lord for those times when He asked you to sacrifice financially and you responded in faith and put His wishes first and denied yourself something that you really wanted. Encourage your husband when he wrestles through the tests that God sends to him to put the Lord first.

Pray for Blessing and Intervention

Gracious Lord, the success of our home depends a great deal on how well my husband puts You first in his heart, mind, and soul. Help him to see the cause and effect relationship between his relationship with You and Your intervention and provision in our home, his career, our church, and his community impact. Give him practical ways to nourish and nurture his prioritization of Your will through a relational abiding with You. Provide him with friends who will also encourage and model for him what it means to put You first in every area of his life. Thank You, in Christ’s name, amen.

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