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Posted on Sep 22, 2020      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Surrendering to the Everyday Pursuit of God’s Love

Author and artist Ruth Chou Simons reminds us that God's love isn't just reserved for times when we feel worthy, holy, or is if we've earned it. It is a relentless, unmerited, daily pursuit for our heart initiated solely by Him and His astounding grace.  

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Posted on Sep 17, 2020      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Finding God’s Voice

As I’ve talked with people about listening to God's voice, they are quick to ask how they might hear from God too. Maybe you have some of these same questions: How do I know if God is speaking to me? How do I discern whether it is His voice speaking or just my own idea? What if I feel God is telling me to do something that doesn’t seem to make sense?

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Posted on Sep 15, 2020      Topic :

Could This Dramatic Ocean Rescue Reveal a Clue as to How God Works?

Have you ever heard the phrase "God works in mysterious ways?" Yes, God works, but it's no mystery. He's always there working to rescue us from any situation. 

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Posted on Sep 10, 2020      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

When Chasing Perfect Never Feels Like Enough

We were made to be perfect. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus reminds us,“You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” The deep longing for something better—for perfection—is God-ordained, but when our desires are misplaced, we misunderstand God’s call to perfection.

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Posted on Sep 08, 2020      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Living in the Shadows, Searching for God’s Light

On the heels of this unusual year, we want something to look forward to in the face of uncertainty. With Christmas at once far away and just around the corner, it’s not too early to start preparing our hearts to celebrate the wonder and significance of Christ’s birth, and to begin recognizing Advent

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