


Want a Sweet Piece of News? God Will Always Love You

Posted on Aug 04, 2016   Topic : Fiction
Posted by : Dana Mentink

Hi, there! I'm Dana Mentink. Who are you? That's an interesting question isn't it? Beyond a name, who are you? How would you identify yourself? I might answer I am a writer and an elementary school teacher, but those are really just things I do, not who I am. What would you say? 

In my newest novel, Fetching Sweetness, the main characters are engaged in trying to answer that question for themselves. Rhett Hastings is a desperately unhappy corporate mogul, a worldly success. Stephanie Pink is hanging onto an identity that no longer fits God's vision for her life. Two people who have made a muddle of things are struggling to discover their true identities. Can you relate? I sure can. It's so easy for me to focus on what I do, instead of who I am... first and foremost, a child of God!

And then there's Sweetness, the picture of contentment! He's just a big goofy dog with bad manners and no pedigree who changes everything. Dogs do that, sometimes. Did you ever wonder why people just adore dogs? Sure they're man's best friend, but why is it so precious to enjoy the company of a dog, even a big elephantine and poorly trained critter like Sweetness? Here's my theory:

  • Dogs do not care a fig about what you've done in the world. Homeless, helpless, failed and floundering? That tail will still wag when you show up. Dogs are not confused by worldly identities.
  • Dogs forgive. Forgot the dog treat yesterday? Used a harsh tone towards Sparky? Didn't make time to walk your pet? Dogs forgive. Today is a new day, a clean slate and another chance to be the kind of person God made you to be.
  • Dogs see your potential. So you're not in perfect shape? So you didn't finish school? Get that job? Hang onto that relationship? You have not accomplished the dreams you had for your life? The dog sees the great qualities you still possess even if you have lost sight of them. You were made to love. You were made to comfort others. You were made to make your way through this earth, rub elbows with others and share burdens, joys and the Good News.

It's so incredible, isn't it? No matter how we disappoint, fall down, succeed or don't succeed, there is nothing that will separate us from the love of God. Now if that isn't a sweet piece of news, I don't know what is!

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