


What Burritos, Donkeys, and Cake Can (Indirectly) Teach Us About Jesus

Posted on Feb 22, 2022   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Prophecy, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Heather Green

Have you ever seen a video demonstrating the size of the planet earth next to the size of our sun? And then the size of our sun next to some of the supergiant stars or even a black hole? You can’t help but become mesmerized by the magnitude of God’s cosmic creations or awestruck by His incredible power, majesty, eternality, creativity, and overall awesomeness.

When the Bible Infographics Team first formed, we were equally stunned by one of those videos. We decided collectively that we wanted to create that kind of experience for kids when it comes to their faith. We knew the Bible could be presented in a way that was wow-worthy, jaw-dropping, faith-affirming, inspiring…and relatable.

That’s why we compared the size of the ark to pizzas and soccer balls. Because kids can understand pizza, but don’t necessarily have cubits handily noted on their rulers. Or why we lined up wonders of the biblical world next to giraffes for scale. Kids may not have been to see the great pyramid, but maybe they’ve made it to a zoo and possibly seen a giraffe.

In our newest installment, Bible Infographics for Kids Epic Guide to Jesus (and maybe my favorite book yet), we get to do more of this wow-worthy work. For example, when our team brainstormed about how to explain parables to kids we talked about all the layers of meaning in each parable and how incredible each layer is. Parables are like onions we said, with great satisfaction and, possibly, a few laughs. However, based solely on anecdotal evidence, onions aren’t most kids’ favorite food. But cake? Kids get cake. Enough said. Our parable cakes walk kids through the story, the meaning, and finally, the application. Now that’s some cake!

We also included “burritos” in the subtitle of the book (or maybe you didn’t notice and are going to zoom in more carefully on the cover art to see if, in fact, we put burritos in the title. Yes, we did!). But what do burritos have to do with Jesus? Great question. The answer? Absolutely nothing. Except, we talk about Jesus being tempted after 40 days of fasting and “the kid” in each of us goes from “fasting” to “fast eating” because, why not?! Did you know the world record for eating a burrito is 35.26 seconds? How is that even possible? This humorous comparison just might help a kid remember that fasting is really the opposite of fast eating. That Jesus didn’t eat for 40 days before being tempted by Satan, and if you ask me, it is much more impressive than inhaling a burrito in under 36 seconds (no offense, current record holder).

Even better, this book walks kids through the Jesus’ life by using things like pizza, burritos, donkeys, seals, and just about anything else we could think of that would show kids how creative, awesome, and amazing our God is. Kids will learn about Jesus from the beginning of time to his future return. They’ll learn about Old Testament prophecies about Jesus, his birth, his death, baptism, temptation, ascension. Kids will learn about the many layers of parables, how to pray, and Jesus’ love for the outcasts. They will see Jesus has been with us through all of history (Alpha and Omega), that he lived with us (Immanuel), he performed miracles (Son of God), taught us (Rabbi), and saved us (Savior).

I can’t think of anything more wow-worthy, faith-affirming, or inspiring than learning about and celebrating the life of Jesus. 

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