


What Dream is God Calling You to Pursue?

Posted on Sep 09, 2021   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Jenny Randle

Imagine this: You and I are training together, similar to that iconic scene from the movie Rocky. The theme song is blaring as we run around town in a really long montage of us flipping tires, boxing, and pretending the floor is lava. Kids and unicorns are running behind us because we’re freakin’ legends (or so we think). You’re wearing a two-piece gray tracksuit, and I’m in my elephant jammies because… well, it just seems right. The music peaks as we sprint-stumble up the steps of that fancy building. Time slows, we face one another, and…you’re now mentally pumped to embrace what I’m about to say.

God is not writing a boring, unadventurous story for your life. On the other hand, he doesn’t want you to awkwardly strive to win people’s praise. We live somewhere between grit and grace, learning how to live with purpose in our careers, side hustles, and callings. From the time humanity fell into sinful rebellion by ignoring God’s voice, our work has been a struggle (Genesis 3:17-19). The great news of the gospel is that Christ redeems the broken things.

Your adventurous life isn’t a storybook quest to slay dragons or to achieve fist-pumping triumphs; it’s a real battle against the enemy of your soul as you learn to embrace the victory that Christ already won. Are you ready to train up and run with endurance, eyes fixed forward on Jesus? Even in our moments of monotony or deep suffering, God speaks, awakening adventure as we follow Him toward a life of freedom, purpose, and bravery.

Have you ever gotten a phone call that radically changed everything for the better?

Maybe it was an employer offering you a new job or a doctor telling you the cancer is in remission. Was it a call from your bestie, celebrating because she was accepted at the same college you attend? Or a foster-care agency requesting to place a child in your home?

Midtwenties me was single and ready to mingle in Newport Beach, California. I was supposed to go on a first date with Matt, whom I casually nicknamed “Hot Surfer Dude.” I had a small cold (that I may have dramatized to him earlier in the day), and he ended up canceling because he has a thing with germs. I guess being in range of a woman with the sniffles was not the ideal first date.

Feeling bummed, I called my parents. As I rambled, my other line beeped, and I decided to answer the call. It was Matt calling to apologize and invite me out to dinner that night. I accepted. Responding to Matt’s phone call changed things for me. It triggered a relationship that has included a marriage (thirteen years and going strong), the gift of parenthood with two beach-loving kids, and cofounding multiple businesses that have reached millions of people.

That call marked an important moment on the timeline of our relationship. If I hadn’t answered, I might have been stuck in my disappointment or delayed my dream come true.

Similarly (without the germ drama), God is calling you. First, He’s inviting you into a relationship with Him. And second, He’s asking if you’re ready to make an impact for Him. He wants to transform your heart, mind, and will to align with His so you will keep in step with the miraculous things He wants to do.

He’s inspiring you to tackle that book idea. He’s inviting you to be His voice of reconciliation in a season of division and hate. He’s empowering you to teach others, create, motivate, challenge societal norms, form that nonprofit, adopt, start that business, pursue that passion project, birth something new, or [fill in the blank]. God doesn’t want you to be silent but to steward the resources and life He’s given you.

It’s not time to shrink back; it’s time to show up… boxing gloves and all!

Read more in Dream Come True by Jenny Randle

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