


What Happens When a Thief Gets Her Heart Stolen?

Posted on Mar 23, 2017   Topic : Fiction

The wily and beautiful Amelia McDougal and her two sisters are bound for jail when the wagon carrying them falls under attack. When each woman is rescued by a different man, Amelia is lucky to find herself scooped up into the arms of handsome Union Captain Morgan Kane. Captain Kane thinks he's come to the aid of a helpless nun, but looks can be deceiving...and so can Amelia.      


“Captain, there’s something I must confess.”

“Can it wait until morning? I am unusually beat tonight.”

“No.” Her mind was firmly made up now. “It’s important that I tell you now.”

“Very well. What is it?”

“Promise you won’t get upset?” The last thing she wanted was to spook him—not here, where she couldn’t make out a single thing in the shadows and she was completely at the mercy of his protection.

A slow grin—quite attractive, especially when she spotted the deep cleft in his chin—spread across his weary features.

“Let me guess. You spotted a great horned owl and neglected to mention it.”

He was teasing now. Good sign, since he’d barely cracked a smile since they’d met. “No. I would have mentioned that immediately.”

Getting slowly to her feet, Amelia lifted her hands to her head and peeled off the tight headdress and veil, freeing a mass of waist-length dark hair. Afraid to face him now, she quickly removed her collar and awaited his response. Would he walk away? Leave her here alone to fend for herself?

When the silence grew more palpable, she mentally braced herself for his reaction, fearing that she had misjudged his character. Was it possible that he would be so furious with her that he would order her to find her way back home alone?

When the silence stretched, she wanted to cry. Oh, he was angry, and she didn’t blame him.

“You’re furious,” she murmured when she couldn’t bear the maddening silence a moment longer.

The captain stared at her, those beautiful eyes fastened like shiny spears to her heart. When he spoke, there was no sign of the earlier amusement. “Miss…or is it Mrs.?”

“Oh, Miss. Definitely Miss. I’m not married.” That was the whole truth. She’d never met a man she would agree to spend her life with.

“Do you care to explain your disguise?”

She drew a deep breath. “I’m a thief. The good Lord says it is better to give to the poor than keep everything to yourself.”

His brows knit in a tight glower. “A what?”

“Not a mean thief,” she clarified. “But nevertheless, a thief.”

His bark stunned her. “I’ve squandered twelve hours and risked my mission for a thieving woman?”

Smile fading, she backed up a step. “You said you wouldn’t get mad.”

He tossed a bedroll at her feet. “Turn in. We ride at daybreak.” The curt response cut her deeply. A spark of resentment flickered to life. She’d only told him the truth. She could have fooled him forever with her nun’s charade, but she’d trusted him with the truth, and this was the thanks she got for honesty?

Her chin lifted, and she brushed the bedroll aside. “You don’t need to use that tone of voice with me. I understand instruction.” She bent to unroll the pallet next to his. “I understand your disappointment, but I—”

“Go to sleep.”

Her jaw dropped open. “I’ll have you know, Captain Kane, that I—”

He rolled over and sat up so suddenly that she strangled a cry when his face came perilously close. His eyes bored into hers, and her breath froze in her throat.

“The rules have changed, Sister,” he said in a tight voice. “Go to sleep.”

He was so close she could see the dark flecks in his eyes. “I truly am sorry for the charade,” she whispered. She could feel the heat of his anger, yet she was undeniably drawn to him.

Their gazes locked in a silent duel. She’d never been this close to a man, and the experience intrigued and terrorized her. She liked his scent—woodsy and manly but in a pleasant way. His hair lay in curly waves at the base of his neck. She had a hunch the captain had broken more than one fair lady’s heart.

And she strongly sensed hers wouldn’t be one of them.

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