


What Happens When We Take the Leap from “Safe” to Faith?

Posted on Aug 02, 2022   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Jonathan Evans

Sometimes Jesus will let the storm rage from dark till dawn in order for someone to recognize who He is and take a step toward Him. We see this going on with one of the disciples in the boat as we return to Matthew 14. This guy decided he was done with the uncertainty. He was ready to make a move toward faith, saying, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water” (verse 28).

That’s my boy Peter. For him to say, “If it is You,” means he still wasn’t sure he could trust his eyes because the darkness was so dark, and the rain was pouring, and the waves were hitting so hard…“but let me go ahead and test this out.” That was his attitude. “I’ll take my

chances on the truth. If it’s actually You, Jesus, then I’ll know I’ve put my trust where it belongs.”

That’s the thing about storms. The truth can be tough enough to see that even disciples can be unsure. Yes, you believe in Jesus. You know His story backward and forward, and you’ve read through the Bible a couple of times. Jesus has even identified Himself in your

struggle and said to you, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid” (verse 27). But when it comes to stepping out and testing out this whole faith thing, you’re thinking maybe you’d rather stick with the other disciples.

In Peter’s mind, trying out the truth was better than being stuck in contrary winds. Why not try something different and go somewhere than stay in the boat, straining with my homeboys, going nowhere?

I’m challenging you to be like Peter rather than his friends. He chose to be an eagle, wanting to be what God had created and called him to be. And Peter chose the right thing.

We don’t really hear about the other guys until the end of the story. Those dudes were more concerned about the weather around them than the truth in front of them. They cared about staying safe in their boat.

Some of ya’ll have been hanging out with that crowd too long. You look like them. Walk like them. Talk like them…even though you’ve been given wings to soar. Every time you’re at church hearing the truth, something inside you makes you nod your head. Something

inside you whispers, Yeah, what the Bible is saying—that’s the direction I should go.

That’s the eagle, wanting to use his wings. That’s the right thing. Will you take the risk, even if the truth is a little hard to see in your storm? Whether you soar or not depends on how willing you are to step out of that boat and test the wings God gave you.

The Truth Test

For those who care to know what’s real, the call for truth is strong. Strong enough to make a strong-willed guy like Peter give up his seat, leave the boat, and set out in its direction. How do you find out if the truth is the truth? Simple. Put it to the test. Ask the truth to help you do something you could never do without it. In this circumstance, Peter asked Jesus, “Command me to come to You on the water” (verse 28). In your own life, go to God in prayer and ask Him to help you accomplish something you’ve never been able to accomplish on your own. Go to His Word, learn what it says about your problem, then apply His wisdom. See if God allows you to start walking on top of circumstances that, without Him, you’ve nearly drowned in before.

You’re dealing with sexual addiction? Substance abuse? Marital issues? Stop trying to fix it yourself. Test the truth. You’ve done everything you can think of to reconcile with that person you’re estranged from? You can’t seem to commit to anyone in your dating life? See what God’s Word recommends, and then give that a trial run in real life.

Have trouble controlling your anger? You’ve tried biting your tongue and gritting your teeth but you just can’t conquer this thing? You’re the loose cannon who can’t figure out how to calm yourself down despite the anger-management classes? See what the truth says and walk in it.

I dare you. Take a chance on Jesus. Really study His Word and trust what it tells you. Put all your weight behind what He says. Rely on your divine Helper, the Holy Spirit, like you never have—and see if the truth doesn’t transform your life. Because in Matthew 14, Jesus is showing His disciples, that what’s hard for you is nothing for Me.

Stepping Out

Jesus responded with one word that encompasses the Christian life for every one of us: “Come!”

He didn’t give a dissertation explaining who He is. He didn’t preach a thirty-minute sermon. He didn’t need to. He had one word for His disciple: Come!

Whether you’re a slow starter or someone who dives in headfirst, your experience hinges on that word. Whether you choose to step out or to stay behind depends on that word. Come determines whether you activate the power or not. It determines whether you experience all that God can do in your stormy circumstances—or whether you don’t.

When Peter heard that word, he took the chance and stepped in the water. He moved toward Jesus. Lots of people hear the word of the Lord at church every Sunday, and on their favorite preacher’s podcasts during the week, but they’re not about to take any risks.

Until you take a chance on the Word, though, you can’t discover

if what you’re hearing is true enough to stand on. Until you take a chance on the Word, you won’t witness what it can do in your life. Give Jesus a chance. Leave the boat and step in.

Taking that first step toward Jesus not only brings you closer to Him, but it increases your faith for the next step and the next one after that. Jesus used to come in other settings too. He told the crowds in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I

will give you rest.” Yet another time, He warned that those who “are unwilling to come to Me” will not receive life (John 5:40). So if you come to Him, you get to rest. If you don’t, no rest and no life. Whether you receive or not has everything to do with whether you rely on the authority and power that reside in Jesus Christ.

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