


What to Do When You Feel Lost in Life

Posted on Jun 04, 2019   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : David Holder

We live in a world that’s changing faster than most people can keep up with. We can find anyone, anywhere, anytime with just a few clicks of the keyboard. However, most of us can’t even find ourselves, let alone discover why God placed us here.

Your purpose is God’s gift to you. What you do with it can be your gift to Him.

When I was ten, I went on a deer hunt I will never forget. The plan was simple enough: A group of us were going to walk through the woods to a power line and (we hoped) jump a deer along the way. When I reached the power line, someone was supposed to be 100 yards to my left and someone else 100 yards to my right. But when I arrived at the power line, they weren’t there. Waiting at least 20 minutes without hearing or seeing a soul, I began to get scared.

Deciding they must have gone farther without telling me, I continued on and ended up in a deep ravine. There was still no sign of anyone, and it was starting to get dark. Panic set in. I let out a series of yells. When no one answered, I turned around and started back toward the road, but I wasn’t sure about the route. Tears were streaming down my face, but I knew I couldn’t just sit and wait for someone to figure out I was missing. Go straight, David, I told myself. Just go straight and you’ll make it out.

Eventually, I did make it back to the road. I emerged only about 200 yards from the truck. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I saw my friends all standing there. I pretended everything was fine because I didn’t want anyone to know how terrified I had been just a few minutes before. I learned a valuable lesson that day: You can be panicked and be finding your way at the same time. You may feel lost, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are.

It’s one thing to be lost in the woods; it’s another to feel so lost in life that you don’t know where the road is. Technology can locate you and help you make it out of even the most rugged terrain, but a GPS is useless when it comes to the important things, like understanding your purpose—the reason God put you here in the first place.

Life, like hunting, involves a series of choices. The right choices eventually lead to success. The wrong ones keep you trapped in failure and frustration. Maybe you are caught up in some bad choices right now, and you recognize what I’m saying is true. It’s never too late to turn it around. Especially if God helps you do it.

I’m not saying it’s easy to find your place in this world. But I am saying you can do it, and when you do, you’ll know it. The most important thing is that you don’t give up, even if you feel lost. Just keep going.

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