


What Will Heaven Be Like? Or Should We Ask a Better Question?

Posted on Oct 20, 2015   Topic : Prophecy

In describing heaven, I once heard a well-meaning speaker declare, “If it’s important to you, it will be in heaven.”

I almost fell out of my seat.

There are plenty of “important” things in this life I am quite sure will not be in heaven, even stuff I really like and enjoy. But have you ever stopped to consider just where people get their ideas about heaven? And whether or not those ideas can be believed? Exactly where does reliable information about heaven come from? Our imagination? Movies? Accounts of supposed visits to the afterlife? Can we really trust those sources?

And what if nothing we’ve imagined, seen in movies, or heard about from those accounts turns out to be true? Won’t we be disappointed? Worse, we will have believed a lie about heaven during our time on earth, living under a false hope.

Meanwhile, God’s waving His arms, trying to get our attention while pointing us toward His Word—the very place where He tells us what heaven is really like.

Now, I get why people embellish supposed scenarios of heaven. They want heaven to be everything earth isn’t—uninterrupted bliss, fulfillment, and freedom from pain and worry. I get that. And I believe that longing is totally legitimate, for who doesn’t want to be fulfilled? Who doesn’t want to be surrounded by that which makes them happy?

But here’s some breaking news: God isn’t primarily concerned with making us happy. It's actually not His #1 priority for His children.

You see, He is far more concerned with giving us something else. Something that blows the doors off merely being “happy.”

He wants to give us Himself.

We were made for Him, not vice-versa. We were created, designed, and destined to find our ultimate pleasure, fulfillment, joy, and satisfaction in Him. Speaking of Jesus, Paul wrote, “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on the earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created by Him and for Him” (Colossians 1:16). Consider:

- Jesus chose His disciples primarily so they might “be with Him” (Mark 3:14). 

- Paul declared that to “be with Christ” in Heaven was “much better” than being here (Philippians 1:23). 

- In His most intimate moment of prayer, Jesus asked that the ones the Father had given Him would “be with Him” in His glory one day (John 17:24). 

- And in Revelation, those “with Him” in Heaven, the “called and chosen and faithful,” descend to earth for battle at His Second Coming (17:14). 

So here’s the million-dollar question: If heaven just meant being with Jesus for eternity, would that be enough for you?

In reality, what Scripture says about heaven and what we’ll see and do there is light-years beyond and better than our imagination or someone’s dream of going there. It’s better than being happy. Better than the thrill of a game-winning touchdown. Better than the emotions of a military homecoming. Better than any love you’ve ever known. Better than life!

The psalmist puts it this way:

“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify youmy soul is satisfied” (Psalm 63:3,5) and “better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere” (Psalm 84:10).

Believer, meditate on heaven today. Let your soul be satisfied with the thought that the God of the universe wants to spend eternity with YOU!

Read more in Wake the Bride by Jeff Kinley

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