


What Your Kids Need to Know About Trusting Jesus

Posted on Aug 02, 2016   Topic : Women's Christian Living

Show your kids that Jesus is a friend they can always trust. Share this powerful message with your children today. 


Jesus was a great preacher and teacher—the greatest! He talked with lots of people and healed many who crossed His path. Eventually He chose twelve disciples to go with Him everywhere. As they moved about, Jesus taught the disciples and prepared them to continue His ministry after He returned to heaven.

Even though at times the disciples didn’t understand some of the things Jesus was saying, and even when they doubted Him, the disciples knew they could trust Jesus.

And now it’s time for you also to know that Jesus is a friend you can T-R-U-S-T.

Trust in the Lord—“Trust in the LORD with all your heart.” (Proverbs 3:5) God knows 100 percent of the time what is 100 percent best for you. He is the 100-percent-best person to trust with any decision you need to make.

Resist using your own understanding—“… and do not lean on your own understanding.” Do you know everything there is to know in the world? No one does. Rather than try to do things by yourself with limited knowledge and understanding, lean on God’s wisdom from His Word, the Bible. That is where you will find everything you need to know. And don’t forget to ask your parents for help—they can provide wisdom too!

Understand His presence—“In all your ways acknowledge Him.” (Proverbs 3:6) Even though you cannot see Him, Jesus is always with you. Through prayer you acknowledge Him and His presence and can talk to Him about every decision you must make. How great is that? Jesus is always there by your side—at all times, night or day.

Straight paths come with God’s help—“… and He will make your paths straight.” God’s job is to direct and guide you through life along a straight path. If you trust Him, He will clear the way for you so you can move onward in the right direction to do what is best for you and what pleases Him.

Take some time to make a choice—Maybe you have already chosen to trust Jesus with your salvation. But what if you haven’t done that? Here is what you need to know: Jesus is the Son of God and is 100 percent holy and sinless. This presents a big problem because every single person is a sinner. As a result, every person is separated from God. (That’s the bad news.) But the good news is that Jesus died on the cross for you. He took the punishment for your sins so you could be made right with His righteousness. If you accept Him by faith, you can have forgiveness for your sins.

A prayer to pray

Jesus, I want to trust in You with all my heart. I want to make better decisions every day. I’m really glad You are my friend and will show me the right path. Amen.

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