


What’s Killing Your Creativity?

Posted on Sep 11, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Jenny Randle

“My dad told me actors are a dime a dozen…”

A young man stood up confessing deep pain that lingered in his soul. I was speaking at a film festival and had just asked if any of the filmmakers or actors wanted to share a burden they’ve felt in their creative journey.

His shoulders sunk as the weight of the words flung haphazardly and punched us in the face. They weren’t just words. They carried the power that redefined his destiny for far too long, and we all felt it.

Unfulfilled potential, the loss of a dream, a passion buried beneath the surface—the snake-like-words had wrapped their way into his identity. They poisoned his ability to find freedom in the very thing God had called him to in this season.

We could all relate to him on some level.

For me, it was a battle over a decade ago with depression and an attitude of insignificance that rendered me feeling voiceless.

How about you?

What’s killing your creativity?

  • Stress
  • Perfectionism
  • People pleasing
  • Rules and regulations
  • Fear of rejection or failure
  • Depression or feelings of despair
  • Feeling stuck in performance mentaility
  • Lacking the time to nurture your creativity

Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. 
Hebrews 12:1-2

As believers, our God-given creativity is one of the greatest weapons we carry!

Studies show as our age increases our creativity decreases. Which means the weapon used to often shift culture towards Jesus is left gathering dust. Those negative words that may have marked your timeline or circumstances that has you feeling less than, may have hindered you from shining bright for Him.

Here’s the thing—Jesus freed us from the sin, shame, guilt and pain that entangles us. The stuff that weighs you down from pursuing those things on your heart or stirring in your soul… give it over to Him.

YOU ARE A COURAGEOUS CREATIVE...and not only does your creativity connect you to the Ultimate Creator, but it creates opportunities to glorify Him as you influence the world for Christ!

Just how the young man at the film festival ditched those creativity killers, may we be challenged to do the same.

Comment below with the thing that’s killing your creativity most, and than pray over one another and celebrate all Christ will do!

There’s power in community…and now go and shine on, you creative ninjas, you. Let’s run our creative race well, with our eyes fixed upon Jesus.

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