


When the Words of Jesus Speak Truth to Your Heart

Posted on Oct 03, 2016   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.
John 10:27-30

Take time to ponder these words from Jesus. They include truths you can claim until your dying breath.

His sheep hear his voice. He speaks to them throughout the day—as a shepherd does his sheep. He knows each one by name. They know his voice and respond to no one else.

He knows you by name. You should be able to discern his voice as well.

How do you know when you are hearing the voice of God? It will always be consistent with his Word. That’s why it’s imperative you know Scripture. When Jesus speaks to you, you will know what to do in every situation. And you will know how to follow him.

His greatest gift to his sheep is eternal life. This life is transitory. Your few short years here can’t begin to compare with eternity with him. You receive the gift of eternal life by believing in him by grace through faith.

If you are one of his sheep, no one will be able to snatch you out of his hand. You have eternal security. Because there was no work you did to earn your salvation, there is no work you can ever do to make him take it away. The Father gave you to the Son. You never have to worry about being separated from him. It will never happen.

Listen to Jesus’ voice today. Be sensitive to it. If you need wisdom, ask him for it. He will give it to you generously—never rebuking you for asking for it. Make your plans, but trust that Jesus will determine your steps.

Jesus will guide you throughout your day and along the best pathway for your life. He will prompt you to go to people you should serve. He will warn you of all temptation. He will guide you with his counsel. He will advise you and watch over you. He will lead you to your glorious destiny. He will watch over you until the day you die.

Jesus will whisper his unconditional love and guidance to you at all times. He has a grand plan and future for your life.

His sheep hear his voice. Are you listening?

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