


“Who Is God?” and Other Big Questions Little Kids Ask

Posted on Jun 29, 2023   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living

Anyone who has spent time around children knows that they can ask surprisingly insightful questions, especially when it comes to spirituality. Pastor and trusted Bible teacher Dr. Tony Evans answers some of children's most fundamental questions about the Christian faith in his new book My Biggest Questions About God. You can use these helpful Q&As to initiate important discussions about God with your children.   

Who Is God and What Is He Like?

The Bible tells us that God has always existed. It also tells us that God is a Spirit. This means we can't see Him, but God showed us what He is like by sending Jesus. 

God is everywhere. Wherever you go—down in the deepest ocean, up to the highest mountain, or even out to the farthest stars—He is there. 

Who am I, and Why Do I Exist?

God says, "I am with...everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I fomred and made" (Isaiah 43:5,7).

God made us to be like Him. Our purpose is to show and tell others about how great God is. 

Where Did the World Come From?

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). God created everything: the sun, the stars—all of it.

God created the world with His words. He said, "Let there be light." He spoke, and land and oceans appeared. Lions and tigers and giraffes and everything else showed up because God spoke them into being. 

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