


You Are Desired: Rejoice in Your Relationship with God

Posted on Jun 27, 2017   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Holley Gerth

I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.
Song of Songs 7:10 (ɴɪᴠ)

The Old Testament story of Jacob and Rachel is a story of enduring love. Jacob fell in love with Rachel instantly, but his future father-in-law was concerned about propriety. He made Jacob work seven years in return for Rachel’s hand in marriage. Then on the wedding night, he secretly switched Rachel with her older sister, Leah. The next morning a forlorn Jacob was told he would have to work another seven years for his beloved Rachel. Yet all of that time “seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her” (Genesis 29:20).

That story is a picture of desire—a longing so deep that no time is too long to wait, no distance too far to travel, and no price too high to pay.

If that leaves you wistfully longing for someone to feel that way about you, rest assured that Someone does. The Song of Songs has often been described as a picture of Christ and the church. In it the beloved declares, “I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.” You are the object of God’s affection. Isaiah 62:5 says, “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.”

I often write at a local café, and one morning a young man asked if anyone was sitting next to me. I replied that the seat was free. He settled in and began asking me questions. As our conversation progressed, we enjoyed a mutually respectful discussion about our differing beliefs. At the end he said, “But it’s impossible for us to have a personal relationship with God. Christian men say that just to appeal to women because they want a romantic relationship in their lives.”

A bit taken aback, I paused and thought about that for a moment. Then I replied, “Perhaps the reason our hearts long for romance is because our relationship with God is the love story—the one our hearts were created to be a part of for all eternity.” He reflected on this for a moment, smiled, and nodded as if a little glimpse of truth had made its way to his heart.

I believe we all long for intimacy because we were created for it. Somewhere along the line this longing can get twisted and tangled. Perhaps we are abused. We get hurt. We find ourselves broken. We lock up our hearts and throw away the key. “Besides,” we think, “no one wants me anyway.” But there is One on the other side of our heart’s door who never stops knocking. “You belong to Me,” He whispers, “and I will wait as long as it takes.”

You are desired.

Lord, the way You love me is a mystery.
I pray You will help me fully believe it’s true.

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