


You Don’t Need to Lock Yourself Up to Get Closer to God—Get Outside Instead

Posted on Feb 05, 2019   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Laurie Kehler

I loathe the pressure of a New Year.

“What are your New Year’s resolutions?”

“What’s your word for the year?”

“How will you crush your goals?”

I want to be seen has having it all together and reply with a well-thought out goal or memorable meme for the upcoming year. But in my heart, I don’t want to play along. I just want to . . . be. Take time. Listen for that still, small voice that I rush by most mornings. I don’t want join the throng and “should” on myself.

In South Korea overscheduled and continuously connected people are checking themselves into “jail.” This is a jail you want to get into–as opposed to get out of.

In this place, there is no cell phone coverage. There is no technology in your room. Your meals are simple, but delivered through a small hatch in your door. You sleep on the floor and there is a simple toilet. You are provided with a pen and paper. Why would people pay for this austerity?

Because they don’t want to "should" either. They come to disconnect for forty-eight hours. To unwind. To hear their thoughts and think more deeply. To purge the techno-babble-clutter that permeates our minds constantly.

You don’t have to pay to get away to hear yourself think. You can do what Jesus did. Step outside.

When Jesus heard about the beheading of his cousin John the Baptist, he didn’t gather friends together and talk it out. He didn’t even bring them together to pray. “As soon as Jesus heard the news, he left in a boat to a remote area to be alone” (Matthew 14:13 NLT). But he was interrupted. People heard where he was going and they followed. This led to the feeding of the five thousand. After that, he sought to get away again.

“Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home. After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray” (Matthew 14:22–23 NLT).

Getting away, in the outdoors, was Jesus’s remedy for times when he was overwhelmed. Getting outside alone was how he recharged and found solace.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by what you "should" be doing, or watching what everyone else is doing on social media, I suggest you follow Jesus. Unplug and step outside.

Get alone with your thoughts. Maybe bring a notebook and a pen. Breathe deep. Notice the sounds, the smells. Observe the birds. Write down your thoughts, questions, things that are buzzing around inside your hive mind. Write down your list of gratitudes.

Then praise God. For just this moment. For all the wonders in creation that delight you. Then listen. Write down what the Holy Spirit whispers to you, no matter how bizarre. You can check it with scripture and a friend later. Right now is about write now. It’s that simple.

You don’t need to put yourself in jail to get alone with your thoughts and hear God. In fact, not getting outside and alone keeps you hostage to all the shoulds and overwhelmed feelings. Free yourself, follow Jesus, and enjoy this outside life.

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