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The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Catholic
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Release Date: January 2002
Page Count: 128
Size: 5 1/4 x 8
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-0537-4
Case Lot Quantity: 60
Collection/Series Name: The 10 Most Important Things

The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Catholic

Fact-filled, easy-to-understand, and visually appealing, this series delivers the essential knowledge you need to know to effectively witness biblical truths to people led astray by false teachings. Noted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes highlights the key differences between specific cults and biblical Christianity by:

  • identifying the 10 most critical problems
  • examining the exact nature of each doctrinal error
  • contrasting cultic teachings with the truth found in God’s Word
  • explaining the correct meanings of Bible verses cults cite out of context
  • reviewing basic principles of Bible interpretation that ensure accurate understanding

Important points, witnessings tips, digging deeper sections, and cautions that highlight the confusing arguments and tactics used by each organization make these books perfect for individual witnessing, Bible studies, youth groups, and evangelism refreshers.

Discusses why the Apocrypha isn’t in the canon, the true role of tradition, Catholicism’s erroneous distinction between venial and mortal sins, the concept of purgatory, the controversy surrounding Jesus’ mother Mary, and more.

Meet the author

Ron Rhodes

Ron Rhodes

Ron Rhodes (ThD), president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, speaks regularly on nationwide radio and is the author of The End Times in Chronological Order, The 8 Great Debates of Bible Prophecy, and The Big Book of Bible Answers. He teaches periodically at Dallas Theological Seminary and several other seminaries.

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Editorial Reviews

"With recent scandals shaking Roman Catholicism to the core, many adherents are confused and angry and are seeking the truth.  What an unprecedented opportunity this sad situation affords Bible-believing Christians in leading our Catholic neighbors, relatives, and friends out of works-oriented bondage and tradition and to the risen Christ and salvation through faith in Him alone.  Thus this book is particularly relevant at this time.

To help readers understand what the religion teaches, Rhodes has listed ten critical issues that serve as pivots to lead Catholics to Christ and away from false teaching.  Helpful symbols are used throughout the book to show readers the Roman Catholic position on a particular doctrine, the Biblical position on a particular doctrine, witnessing tips, areas to proceed with caution, and closer looks at important words, verses, or historical insights.

The doctrinal issues discussed in the various chapters are the 'apocryphal books' found in Catholic Bibles (they are erroneous writings not found in other Bibles), the authority of Scripture as opposed to tradition, the teaching that the apostle Peter was the first pope, the infallibility of the pope (the idea that when he speaks, his words come from God and that, therefore, he is without error), the veneration of Mary the mother of Jesus, justification, the sacrament of the mass, penance, and purgatory. 

The final chapter challenges believers on one of the most important things we can say to a Catholic—an account of what the Lord Jesus has done in our lives—urging us to also leave a very clear picture with our Catholic friends of just how they can become Christians.  Let's not fail during this time of need on the part of our Catholic friends."
The Baptist Bulletin


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