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The Bondage Breaker
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Release Date: March 2019
Page Count: 272
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-7591-9
Case Lot Quantity: 24
Collection/Series Name: The Bondage Breaker Series

The Bondage Breaker

Overcoming *Negative Thoughts *Irrational Feelings *Habitual Sins

You Can Break the Chains Holding You Captive
Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. If you feel trapped by any of these strongholds in your life, know that you are not alone—you can break free.
Neil Anderson has brought hope to countless thousands facing similar spiritual attacks. In this significantly revised and updated edition of this popular bestselling book, he offers a holistic approach to spiritual warfare that is rooted in the Word of God. As you read stories of others who have been locked in spiritual battles, you will learn the underlying whys and hows behind these attacks and discover the truths that sets people free in Jesus. 
You don’t have to live as if you are in chains. Break through your spiritual battles, and find freedom in Christ with The Bondage Breaker.  

Meet the author

Neil T. Anderson

Neil T. Anderson

Dr. Neil T. Anderson is Founder and President Emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries, with representation in over 70 countries. Formerly a professor of practical theology at Talbot School of Theology, he is the author or co-author of 70 books, including Victory Over the Darkness, Discipleship Counseling, Letting Go of Fear, Managing Your Anger, Setting Your Marriage...

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Editorial Reviews

"The Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson is a tough book for Christians. Many don't want to acknowledge the active spirit world or Satan or demons as real forces within it, because it seems illogical. Christianity has enough of a fight in today's culture without adding possession and spirit caused illnesses. I've been lukewarm about that issue in the past, but when I got the book, I decided to give it a shot. Anderson's stories of people he's worked with whose lives have been changed by defeating demons are amazing.

"He lays Scriptural foundation as to why we can believe that spirits are active today and why it's dangerous to ignore them. The book is rock solid in its premise, and the anecdotes are powerful and moving...It's a tough book to read, but when I finished, I felt fifty pounds lighter. No more sob sessions or inexplicable fights with my husband. When I start having thoughts attacking my peace of mind, I recognize them for what they are. This book is an invaluable tool for Christians."

"The author reveals the whys and hows of spiritual warfare and exposes Satan's battle for the Christian's mind.  This book also explores the way in which we can break stubborn habits and private sins."
Good News

"Anderson discusses how to understand Satan's strategies and gain freedom from negative thoughts, irrational feelings, and habitual sin."
Bookstore Journal


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