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The Bravehearted Gospel
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Release Date: August 2008
Page Count: 256
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-2164-0
Case Lot Quantity: 48

The Bravehearted Gospel

The Truth Is Worth Fighting For

Eric Ludy calls believers to put a stop to an alarming trend in today’s church. Contemporary culture has accused Christians of being politically incorrect, unloving, and narrow-minded in their devotion to God and His Word. And the church has unwittingly played right along:

  • It has grown to have more in common with the world than with Christ
  • It seems more concerned about pleasing men than God
  • It sets aside the pursuit of eternal truth for the pursuit of temporal pleasures

How serious is the problem, and what are the solutions? What does a bravehearted kind of Christianity look like?

Eric presents the Christianity of the Bible as the most explosive, most vibrant, most extraordinary force on Earth—a force meant to bring glory to the Most High God and turn people’s hearts in His direction. After reading The Bravehearted Gospel, no Christian will ever want to go back to “Christianity as usual”!

Meet the author

Eric Ludy

Eric Ludy

Eric Ludy is the bestselling author of The Bravehearted Gospel, When God Writes Your Love Story, and more than a dozen other books he has coauthored with his wife, Leslie. A sought–after speaker, he is passionate about restoring victorious Christianity to the modern church. Eric and Leslie appear regularly on numerous media outlets....

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Editorial Reviews

“I was so excited when I began to read this book. Even just as I was reading the introduction I could tell this was going to be a book that would challenge me in many ways. The author does an amazing job explaining ‘the path of the Bravehearted Gospel’ in a way that I have never heard it before. He challenges the reader not to rest in the faith of their fathers, but make their faith their own. This is a great book for twenty–somethings trying to do just that.”

“This is a much–needed book. We need to be reminded of the truths within the pages of The Bravehearted Gospel. This is a difficult topic, but Eric Ludy writes in an easy, conversational style. This may be the most important book you read this year.”
Debra Gaynor for ReviewYourBook.com

“I’ve got my socks knocked off with this hard hitting, truth–filled book. It’s a challenge for you—both men and women. There is no treading lightly on what society feels about Christianity in this book...So if you’re looking for an amazing God–filled challenge, this is the book for you!”


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“Aside from the Bible, I wholeheartedly think that The Bravehearted Gospel is the most desperately needed book in the Church and the world right now, today. It is a fervent call, a battle cry, to rise boldly from the mediocrity we have fallen into and courageously and victoriously live our lives as poured–out sacrifices for our King Jesus Christ. In an age where truth is made to seem obscure and inconsistent, and doubt is increasingly esteemed, this is an urgent call to return to the One who is Truth, unchanging and eternal. It is a call to reclaim that for which He died for us. The noble passion and message of this book represents all that is missing in the Church today, that which is the ‘Bravehearted’ life of the Gospel. It is the very essence and heart of Christianity, what it means to truly follow Christ, and it needs to be awakened and rise up once again to impact this world as the hands and feet of Jesus, for the advancement of His kingdom, and for His eternal glory.
“And though to see the The Bravehearted Gospel come alive, the ‘manly stuff’ must return vibrantly and valiantly back into the church, it is a fact that needs to be fought for and embraced among all: men as well as women, both young and old. For me as a young woman, this book is inspiring, encouraging, and igniting to my soul as well as my resolve, to stand resolute and steadfast upon the Word of God no matter what the world’s opinion may be, to faithfully and courageously walk the narrow path, trusting and following the Lamb wherever He leads. To God alone be the glory forever and ever!”

“Eric Ludy’s new book, The Bravehearted Gospel, is a gripping and unashamed proclamation of truth that is desperately needed in our modern era of a redefined, watered down, ‘anything goes’ Christianity. The compelling message of this book is a call to arms for the defense of God’s Word. It is a rousing cry for the return to Biblical, historic Christianity—a Christianity that is alive with fiery passion, courage, sacrifice, victory, and the relentless pursuit of God Himself. It is a passionate appeal to be the hands and feet of Christ to the oppressed and needy of the world. Once I started reading my copy of this book, I could not put it down. Every paragraph struck a chord within my soul and urged me on to the next. With his usual masterful eloquence, Eric issues forth a stirring challenge to live the sold–out, set–apart life of a true warrior of Jesus Christ—no matter the cost. Those who catch the vision are sure to change this world.”

“Finally, someone with some backbone! Thank you Eric for being bold enough to proclaim this message! I get so tired of seeing Christians live in such mediocrity. Thank you for reminding us that it’s not about us! We need to die to ourselves and live for Christ alone! We are to be His vessel, His hands, and His feet. This is a must read for every Christian! It’s time that we give up the shallow, lifeless pursuits that we live for and stand up for what is right, a life fully yielded to the pursuit of Christ! May that name of Jesus be proclaimed and lives changed through the message of this book! Well done, Eric! And as for the ‘Bravehearted Path’, count me in!”

“So deep, so powerful, so true…And this truth is for both men and women…It challenges you in a subtle but truthful way…A must!”

“The genius of The Bravehearted Gospel is that this is not a book that you will read but rather one that will read you. For anyone who has wondered at the hypocrisy in the lives of those who call themselves believers, read this book. For those who have attended church for any length of time and are wondering if this is all there is to the Christian life, if there is anything more, read this book. For those who are searching for God, for any and all who dare to call themselves Christian—read this book. This book begs you to look into a mirror and down into your own soul and ask yourself who you are who do you want to be.
“Are you a Christian to whom God is a means to a happy and phosphorus life and not a end upon which all things hinge? Are you a Christian to whom God is more of an insurance policy against the agonies of hell, not an all consuming fire and greatest desire? Is your life yielded to Him, does your life revolve around Him or do you live according to your own ways, tacking God in where it is convenient? This isn‘t simply homage paid to Eric Ludy or The Bravehearted Gospel in of itself but to what they represent: Christ. Christ and his perfect, magnificent gospel in its full, unadulterated glory. The Bravehearted Gospel, written with passion, humor, and humility, is a fearless and unrepentant TRUE testament to God and who He really is, not who the modern Church has made Him out to be. Read this book and say goodbye to mediocrity and hello to the path of the Bravehearted path. The path pioneered by one Christ Jesus.”

“The modern church itself has become a breeding ground for the tolerance of sin to develop. The truth has been removed or altered in some fashion as to make it more appealing to ’larger groups of people’. Eric has artistically written about what is going on in modern day Christianity and why it has become powerless. It doesn’t stop there. There is a calling in this book for each Christian to lay aside the popular beliefs so readily seen in the modern church and become warriors of Truth.
“In reading this book, I discovered there is so much more deception going on than I even realized. Although I think there is a hunger amongst many Christians for the Truth, I think there will also be much resistance as many will despise being told the WHOLE Truth needs to be lived out. I also appreciated Eric’s reverence for God that is a lost aspect in Christianity today. The Bravehearted path reminds me of the Apostle Paul’s path it’s not easy. But neither was Jesus’ sacrifice. It is only the beginning of a life consuming path in Jesus Christ. May we all be bold and brave enough to stand for Truth. I recommend reading this book more than once!”

“This book, The Bravehearted Gospel is one of the best Christian books I have read. It needs to be in the hands of every Christian man. I think it is going to make a big change and we need it. He hits the nail on the head in every issue he brings up. It’s real, it’s hard–hitting and it’s biblical. I really liked his apologetics on the authorship of the Bible.”

“This is Eric Ludy at a whole new level. He has moved beyond teenage relationship advice and emerges as a solid, convicting voice speaking directly to the American Church. His message is beyond relevant—we needed to hear this yesterday! Ludy speaks truth with a gentle ferocity. His humility and ‘I’m–writing–this–to–myself–too’ attitude is clear, and yet he increasingly calls Christians to a higher standard. He does not settle for lackluster, but pleads with a disillusioned Church to see the glorious Light! This book will transform the way you view the world, the culture, and Western Christianity. It will stir something mighty and valiant within you, and it’s hard to sit still after reading even a few pages! Eric Ludy’s message is a wakeup call, a bucket of cold water, and a war cry for the saints of Christ. I pray that the Church takes notice and bravely takes a hit from this timely ton of bricks. Bring on the ‘manly stuff!’”

“This is one of THE most phenomenal books I have read—no doubt Eric Ludy’s best work to date… incredibly piercing but desperately needed. We need Truth. We need boldness. We need a backbone. Men and women who were willing to stand in the face of politics, in the face of the religious culture, in the face of hungry lions, and declare with firmness and unwavering devotion that Truth is not only invariable but is Jesus!
“This book is extreme. Extremely well written. Extremely well communicated. Extremely Biblically accurate. Extremely pointed while being extremely humble. Extremely light–hearted while being extremely serious. Extremely needed in this not–so–extreme world. I felt as if I were reading a modern day John the Baptist, who was a voice crying out in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord, making His crooked paths straight. But even more than a plea to wayward leaders to find the Truth, The Bravehearted Gospel causes a stir and a burning desire within one’s bosom to square the shoulders, to throw off everything and anything that hinders, and to lose one’s self in the pursuit of Truth, the living Word, the Person of Jesus. It is the call of Christ, the essence of the Gospel.
“My generation has a hunger in their eyes and a desire and desperation for Truth and for someone who is willing to stand for it. We need the essence of Bravehearted Gospel infused within our lives! This, hands down, is one of the best books I have read in a long time (and being in seminary we have to read a LOT of books). The last several months God has been revealing that I need a backbone. I need to stand for Truth and what is right. I need to rescue the widow, the orphan, the destitute. I need and deeply hunger to be a man full of The Bravehearted Gospel. I have only just begun the adventure, and the rest of the world vehemently needs to hear the call as well.”

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