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The Buck Stops Here
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Release Date: May 2021
Page Count: 224
Size: 5 x 7
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-7369-8290-0
Case Lot Quantity: 48

The Buck Stops Here

Wisdom, Humor, and Tales for the Trail

Hunters See the World Differently

The phrase “the buck stops here” was coined by President Harry Truman, and the “buck” in question refers to a marker passed from one person to the next in a poker game, indicating who would deal. But if you’re as avid a hunter as author Steve Chapman, this may surprise you, because when you hear “buck,” you’re not thinking about poker. Instead, you’re picturing white-tailed deer.

You’ll feel right at home reading The Buck Stops Here, a timeless collection of tips, quips, and reflections about hunting, fishing, and the great outdoors. Dive deeper into the fair chase as you take in…

  • advice by hunters for hunters that will make you more successful in your pursuits
  • character-building insights from wilderness experiences that you can apply to everyday life
  • tales from the hunt that illuminate why you hold this pastime so dear 

Each page will bring a smile to your face, provide you with an “Aha!” moment, and inspire you to take another trip to the woods—so take a seat, get ready, and whisper, “The buck stops here!”

Meet the author

Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman and his wife, Annie, are award-winning musicians who take their message of Christ-centered family to fans all over North America. Steve’s enthusiasm for Jesus, family, hunting, and humor shine in his books, including A Look at Life from a Deer Stand (nearly 300,000 copies sold), The Hunter’s Cookbook (with Annie...

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