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Taking a Stand for the Bible
Taking a Stand for the Bible

John Ankerberg

Many so-called experts today are spreading inaccurate or biased information about the Bible. Taking a Stand for the Bible helps set the record straight and includes interviews with top Bible scholars who affirm the Bible’s integrity and reliability.

The Facts on Islam
The Facts on Islam

Dillon Burroughs

John Ankerberg, John Weldon, and Dillon Burroughs, known for their extensive research and Bible knowledge, team up to revise and update The Facts on Islam. This concise, factual, and relevant book helps readers learn how Islam began, who Muhammad was, and what Muslims believe.

The Facts on Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Facts on Jehovah’s Witnesses

Dillon Burroughs

John Ankerberg, John Weldon, and Dillon Burroughs team up to revise and update The Facts on Jehovah’s Witnesses, part of the popular Facts On Series. This concise book is filled with easy-to-understand, factual, and relevant information about this religious group and the Watchtower Society.

A Biblical Point of View on Intelligent Design

Kerby Anderson

Intelligent design is a topic of debate in the educational, political, scientific, and religious arenas. But why? Is it in opposition to evolution? Does it represent Creationism? National director for Probe Ministries Kerby Anderson explores the arguments, the truths,  the myths, and the questions readers should be asking about intelligent design.

Understanding Intelligent Design
Understanding Intelligent Design

William A. Dembski

This compact, basic guide to Intelligent Design (ID) especially targets readers confused by educational bias and one-sided attacks. It explains central theories of information and meaningful complexity; ID’s scientific validity; how both ID and evolutionary theories have religious/philosophical underpinnings; cultural controversy and implications—and what readers can do about it.

Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link
Exposing Darwinism’s Weakest Link

Kenneth Poppe

Everything that makes humans unique was implemented at the will of a supernatural Being, argues Poppe.  This is where the evidence points. He blows the lid off Darwinian myths about prehistoric man; “remnant” structures/behaviors; the origin of morality; and more. Superb for students and parents—especially homeschoolers—and educators.

Handbook of Biblical Evidences
Handbook of Biblical Evidences

John Ankerberg

The Handbook of Bible Evidences—written by two bestselling apologetics experts, John Ankerberg and John Weldon—provides clear and thoughtful responses to the tough questions seekers are most likely to ask about creation, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. A superb tool for helping readers know how to share their faith with confidence.

What’s the Big Deal About Other Religions?
What’s the Big Deal About Other Religions?

John Ankerberg

Because readers are likely to encounter such a variety of religious followers in their own neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces today, it’s important to understand what they believe and why. Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism,  Mormonism, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are thoroughly examined as to their origins, teachings, writings, and how they differ from Christianity.

The Truth Behind the New Atheism

David Marshall

There is a new atheism rising up and attacking Christianity—an atheism that says God is a cruel savage, science has refuted the Bible, and Christianity has hurt the human race.

Author David Marshall offers powerful arguments in defense of the faith—arguments that will enable readers to respond to this new atheism with confidence.

What Does the Bible Say About…?
What Does the Bible Say About…?

Ron Rhodes

Popular author and Bible teacher Ron Rhodes offers straightforward, easy-to-understand responses to frequently asked questions about God, faith, and living for Christ. With solid biblical insights and accurate research, this indispensable reference will help readers explore God’s incredible plan, the life of Christ, the teaching of the Bible, church doctrines, and more.

The Concise Guide to Today’s Religions and Spirituality
The Concise Guide to Today’s Religions and Spirituality

James K. Walker

Biblical, evangelical, and orthodox, this comprehensive, A-to-Z source provides the basics for evaluating belief systems and spiritual phenomena—Christian, quasi-Christian, and non-Christian—and people connected with them.

Thousands of entries with cross references make this an excellent resource for individuals—parents, church leaders, counselors—and study groups and church libraries.

The 10 Things You Need to Know About Islam
The 10 Things You Need to Know About Islam

Ron Rhodes

Significant growth of Islam has triggered concern and questions for Christians. Bestselling author and apologist Ron Rhodes provides a user-friendly and helpful introduction to Islam, the Muslim view, and the Christian apologetic response.

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