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Billions of Missing Links
Billions of Missing Links

Geoffrey Simmons

Current evidence shows that the millions of structures and systems on the Earth came about all at once, entire. Nature contains only leaps, not links. Only the existence of an all-powerful Designer can explain everything.

Christianity According to the Bible
Christianity According to the Bible

Ron Rhodes

Popular Bible scholar Ron Rhodes lays out the clear teaching of Scripture on 12 essential elements of biblical Christianity. Each chapter is thorough yet easy-to-understand, informative yet highly inspirational.

Reclaiming Science from Darwinism
Reclaiming Science from Darwinism

Kenneth Poppe

Career biology instructor Dr. Kenneth Poppe provides convincing evidence of Darwinism’s problems: first-cell origin; mathematical improbabilities; laws of thermodynamics; hypothetical sudden mutations; and more. A superior resource for students, parents, and teachers. Includes helpful graphics.

The Truth Behind Ghosts, Mediums, and Psychic Phenomena
The Truth Behind Ghosts, Mediums, and Psychic Phenomena

Ron Rhodes

There are many confusing and deceptive beliefs presented about the paranormal in today’s culture. Ron Rhodes, respected biblical scholar, examines the truth about ghosts and psychics and reveals what Christians should know about this fascination.

Answers to Questions Catholics Are Asking
Answers to Questions Catholics Are Asking

Tony Coffey

With sensitivity, insight, and well-researched, biblical responses, former-Catholic Tony Coffey answers the tough questions about the Catholic faith, the leadership of the church, and how these realities compare to Scripture’s teachings.

Answering the Objections of Atheists, Agnostics, and Skeptics
Answering the Objections of Atheists, Agnostics, and Skeptics

Ron Rhodes

With clear reasoning and understandable language Ron Rhodes provides readers with the explanations and scriptural background they need to respond confidently to common arguments against the foundations of Christianity.

Find It Quick Handbook on Cults and New Religions
Find It Quick Handbook on Cults and New Religions

Ron Rhodes

This concise handbook catalogs 40 groups. The brief examination of each group includes a short history of the sect or new religion, an explanation of the group’s major doctrines, and the Christian apologetic response.

World Religions and Cults 101
World Religions and Cults 101

Bruce Bickel

World Religions and Cults 101 features key teachings of each religion, quick-glance belief charts, biographies of leaders, and study questions. Readers will discover the characteristics of cults and how each religion compares to Christianity.

Why Do Bad Things Happen If God Is Good?
Why Do Bad Things Happen If God Is Good?

Ron Rhodes

Bible scholar Ron Rhodes addresses the problem of pain with the heart of a pastor and the mind of an apologist. Ron explores the unshakable biblical truths that provide a strong foundation in stormy times.

Fast Facts on the Masonic Lodge
Fast Facts on the Masonic Lodge

John Ankerberg

Are Masonry and Christianity truly compatible? The authors clarify Masons’ claims and terminology, asking: Is Freemasonry a religion? What do Masonic symbols represent? What do Masons teach about Jesus and the God of the Bible?

What Darwin Didn’t Know
What Darwin Didn’t Know

Geoffrey Simmons

Using fascinating discoveries from today’s medicine and microbiology, Simmons demonstrates that the amazing complexity of the human anatomy could not have developed by chance, but rather is a marvelous system constructed by a wise Designer.

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