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Coffee for Your Heart
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Release Date: July 2017
Page Count: 176
Size: 5 x 7
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-7094-5
Case Lot Quantity: 72

Coffee for Your Heart

40 Mornings of Life-Changing Encouragement

54321( 5 )

Start Your Day in the Very Best Way

Discover more joy, peace, and purpose every morning as you listen to the voice of the One who delights in you! In Coffee for Your Heart, bestselling author Holley Gerth shares 40 encouraging and powerful reminders of how God sees you as His beloved daughter. You are…

  • wonderfully made
  • chosen
  • irreplaceable
  • strong
  • never alone

...and so much more!

This noisy world can make it hard to hear the assurances of God. Let His voice be the loudest one in your life as He stirs up your hope and confidence each new day.

"Take a deep breath, grab a cup of something cozy, and let God's love fill your heart with whatever you need most today."

Previously published as God's Heart for You.

Meet the author

Holley Gerth

Holley Gerth

Holley Gerth is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, speaker, and cofounder of (in)courage.me—an online home for the hearts of women. Holley also encourages thousands of readers through her blog at www.HolleyGerth.com. She is wife to Mark and mom to Lovelle.

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Editorial Reviews

Coffee for Your Heart is just a good all around devo. Holley [Gerth] is able to touch on things that I put up and stored away or things that I didn't feel were an issue for me. I love her stories and her attitude.”


6 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

11/12/18 Michelle F.


This book is perfect for my early morning devotional time while my family is still sleeping.

My day can be pretty hectic, but when I read short devotionals telling me I am accepted, I am forgiven, I am loved, and much more, I am able to handle things a lot better.

Along with the short devotional are reflection questions, response statements, and a remember section that is written to help you remember the devotion of the day. I recommend this book to women of all ages. I am sure there are times we all need to remember we are loved, forgiven, and accepted.

11/12/18 Cynthia T.


I absolutely love this book. It is hard to find good devotional books that don’t have you just read a small portion and it doesn’t really do much more for your day. Holley did a great job of not only sharing a small devotion each day, but also she gives you application, prayer, and even a review. It is simple enough to get done before I start my day, but it has important lessons that change the direction of my day. This book has been a huge help to change how my days start.

11/12/18 Jennie W.


I love the reason behind the book and why she wrote it. It is so important to let God’s love fill you up, not the voices in our world. We live in a loud busy world, full of messages and distractions everywhere. Oh, and side note this book is small enough to fit in my purse, so it is easy to bring along with me and enjoy while I wait for my children at their activities. I did just that this week with the book.

Each devotion is short and sweet but packed with powerful truth, encouragement, and a couple questions for some pondering and prayer time. Each one takes 5-15 minutes depending on how much the words resonated with. So far, each one has for me. Another plus to this devotional, is there are 40 different topics, so you could just choose which one to read, especially if you are dealing with a specific need. Therefore, you don’t have to read this in order, and will make a great book to keep going back to from time to time.

This week I was struggling one day with feeling inadequate and that I was not enough (and I am not without Jesus) but, I let satan get the better of me and I know better, however, he is sneaky. Thankful for the power of Holy Spirit, God’s truth, prayer, and some encouragement from Holley’s book I was able to shake off the attack. I choose to read the chapter on “Accepted and Enough.”

11/12/18 Jody F.


I was excited to read Holley Gerth’s new book Coffee for Your Heart.

I had the pleasure of meeting Holley a few years ago at an event in Fort Worth, Texas.  I was so impressed that I signed up for her emails.

Holley’s new release is a book of “40 Mornings of Life-Changing Encouragement” as the outside cover tells you. Each chapter is short and yet there is a lot of wisdom in each. She gives us a Bible verse and then has us ponder on the truth of what God is telling us.

There are so many sources to tell us what we are not. Holley, with each chapter, reminds us of what the truth is and where it comes from. Thank you, Holley.

11/12/18 Christine K.


First of all, let me say that Holley Gerth has a wonderful gift of encouragement and humor. Coffee for Your Heart is a book of 40 short devotionals that have areas for you to respond to her prompts or questions. She deals with a variety of topics, all aimed at encouraging the reader. Titles such as Accepted, Wonderfully Made, Forgiven, Loved are examples. This is all to let you know how much God loves you and in so many different ways. His love is constant, and He never abandons or rejects us. But sometimes we feel in need of a Divine Hug and this is one of the ways God gives it to us.

I truly feel blessed by her writings and in our present day with all the negative things we have to deal with, it is nice to get some positive reinforcement from Christian ladies like Holley. She has a great sense of humor and I laughed out loud when I read how she was not a morning person (neither am I!) and that she had one time put a piece of chocolate on top of her alarm clock to bribe herself to get up. She woke up, ate the chocolate, and went promptly back to sleep!

I highly recommend her books for anyone in need of a lift, a little encouragement, and some humor to go with it.

07/16/17 Laura K.


This power-packed devotional is inspirational and filled with encouragement! The format allows you to dig in deeper after reading the daily devotion by reflecting on scripture as well as a responsorial prayer. I turned to the chapters that dealt with topics relevant to me instead of reading straight through the book.

I love Holley’s honest relational style in sharing God’s love for us and highly recommend this book for anyone or as a gift to share!

Write A Review

“Feeling like you've lost your identity in Christ? Pick up this perfect little volume for a daily reminder that in Him, you are accepted, wonderfully made, forgiven, loved, and blessed... for starters! Holley deftly delivers 40 days of empowerment in this tender and humorous devotional that will leave you smiling, giggling, and feeling ready to tackle life with Christ by your side!”
—Allison Wixted, AllisonWixted.com

“This book is perfect for my early morning devotional time while my family is still sleeping.

“My day can be pretty hectic, but when I read short devotionals telling me I am accepted, I am forgiven, I am loved, and much more, there are 40 devotionals, I am able to handle things a lot better.

“Along with the short devotional are reflection questions, response statements, and a remember section that is written to help you remember the devotional of the day. I recommend this book to women of all ages. I am sure there are times we all need to remember we are loved, forgiven and accepted.”
Michelle Fitzgerald, NewHorizonReviews.blogspot.com

“I love the reason behind the book and why [Hollie Gerth] wrote it… This book is small enough to fit in my purse, so it is easy to bring along with me and enjoy while I wait for my children at their activities. I did just that this week with the book. Each devotion is short and sweet, but packed with powerful truth encouragement and a couple questions for some pondering and prayer time. Each one takes 5-15 minutes depending on how much the words resonated with. So far, each one has for me. Another plus to this devotional, is there are 40 different topics, as you can see on the contents page, so you could just choose which one to read, especially if you are dealing with a specific need. Therefore, you don't have to read this in order and will make a great book to keep going back to from time to time, even after reading it all.”
Jennie Woelpern, AJourney4Life.blogspot.com
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