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Finding God’s Will in Spiritually Deceptive Times
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Release Date: September 2003
Page Count: 100
Size: 5 1/4 x 8
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-1220-4
Case Lot Quantity: 80
Collection/Series Name: The Bondage Breaker Series

Finding God’s Will in Spiritually Deceptive Times

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Who has authority to speak for God? Does His message come through other people, through Scripture, or both?

According to Neil Anderson, answers to these common questions must be based on two powerful truths: We are alive in Christ, and we are God’s children. He examines

  • the danger of counterfeit messages
  • the roles of Scripture, the Spirit, and other believers
  • ways to guard against Satan’s deceptions
  • the freedom that can replace fear of wrong decisions
  • true spiritual discernment

This confidence-building resource will help readers listen for God’s word to their own hearts. Questions for group study or discussion are provided at the end of each chapter.

Some material previously released in Walking in the Light.

Meet the author

Neil T. Anderson

Neil T. Anderson

Dr. Neil T. Anderson is Founder and President Emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries, with representation in over 70 countries. Formerly a professor of practical theology at Talbot School of Theology, he is the author or co-author of 70 books, including Victory Over the Darkness, Discipleship Counseling, Letting Go of Fear, Managing Your Anger, Setting Your Marriage...

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A Word from the Author

"God's will is our sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3), but God guides us as we seek to follow Him. We need to understand how He guides us and we must exercise discernment, because the world is filled with false prophets and teachers offering counterfeit guidance. How can we know whether we are being led by the Holy Spirit or being deceived by counterfeit spirits?"
Neil Anderson, Author of Finding God's Will in Spiritually Deceptive Times


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