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A Girl’s Guide to Studying Her Bible
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Release Date: June 2023
Page Count: 144
Size: 5 1/4 x 8
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-8746-2
Case Lot Quantity: 80

A Girl’s Guide to Studying Her Bible

Simple Steps to Grow in God’s Word

Bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher Elizabeth George shows girls (ages 8-12) how to know God better by reading and studying His Word.

In addition to teaching the basics of Bible study, Elizabeth helps girls apply biblical wisdom to their lives in important areas, including…  

  • knowing how to find good friends
  • getting along better with parents and family
  • making right choices instead of wrong ones
  • learning how to use time well
  • growing and becoming a stronger Christian

Girls will learn that the Bible is God's message especially for them. Help a young girl in your life take her first steps toward discovering just how much He loves and cares for her!

Meet the author

Elizabeth George

Elizabeth George

Elizabeth George, whose books have sold more than 13 million copies, is the bestselling author of A Woman After God’s Own Heart®  (more than 2 million copies sold), Beautiful in God’s Eyes, and A Girl After God’s Own Heart Bible.  

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