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The Gospel According to Rome
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Release Date: January 1995
Page Count: 400
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-1-56507-107-0
Case Lot Quantity: 32

The Gospel According to Rome

When Catechism of the Catholic Church broke onto the N.Y. Times bestseller list, its astonishing success confirmed the overwhelming interest of Catholics and Protestants in understanding modern Catholicism. Has the recent openness among denominations affected Catholic teachings? In the new spirit of cooperation, is there any reason why Catholics and Protestants should remain divided?

This powerful and insightful examination of the Catholic Church provides:

  • a side-by-side comparison of Scripture with the first new worldwide Catholic catechism in 400 years
  • a summary of how modern Catholicism views grace, works, and heaven
  • 24 ways the Catholic plan of salvation still stands in contrast to biblical truth
  • a balanced overview of how the authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church compares with that of the New Testament church
  • an explanation of how participation in the Mass and other sacraments is inconsistent with faith in Christ as Savior

Clear, accurate, significant information to know and share—The Gospel According to Rome

Meet the author

James G. McCarthy

James G. McCarthy

James G. McCarthy is the founder and director of Good News for Catholics, Inc.  A former missionary to Ireland, Jim is producer/director of the popular video Catholicism: Crisis of Faith and author of The Gospel According to Rome, Conversations with Catholics, and What You Need to Know About Roman Catholicism.

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1 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

12/21/14 J D Smith

“This book is a MUST for ALL Christians and Catholics.  Bro. Jim takes you through the life of a Catholic and shows you all that they must do from Birth to Death in order to hope that they will be good enough to enter heaven.  He compares the New Catechism and Catholic Tradition with the Sacred Scriptures and shows how the Catholic Church teaches contrary to the written word of God.  This book needs to be in every Christian’s library.”

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