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Jesus Changes Everything
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Release Date: March 2013
Page Count: 192
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-4890-6
Case Lot Quantity: 40

Jesus Changes Everything

It’s Time to Embrace God’s Unconditional Love

Are you Experiencing New Life?

You were probably told that salvation is a free gift. But trying to live up to what you think God demands feels like anything but a gift.

The problem? You’re basing your Christianity in the Old Testament—making your faith a law-based religion. But the New Covenant, which God has put in place through Jesus’ death, changes everything. Bestselling author Bob George opens up the Scriptures and guides you through truth that will make God’s plan clear. You’ll be able to see how, in your life…

  • effort, guilt, and fear from living under law will give way to rest and peace from realizing that your relationship with God doesn’t depend on your performance
  • motivation by punishment will be replaced by inner motivation through his complete acceptance
  • the sense of distance from God will be transformed into confidence in his unconditional love

Nothing could be better than experiencing the fullness of God’s plan for you. This fullness is yours because Jesus changes everything.

Meet the author

Bob George

Bob George

Bob George is the bestselling author of Classic Christianity, Growing in Grace, and Victory over Depression. Formerly he was with People to People Ministries, which he founded and of which he was president for over 30 years. He was unable to continue on their daily nationwide biblical counseling broadcast due to illness. Bob lives with his...

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“Another great read by Bob George. This book will benefit our spiritual growth and allow us to share with both believers and nonbelievers what all Christ has accomplished for us. I have indeed been blessed by what all was written in this wonderful book about the new covenant, and how truly Jesus does change everything. I hope many will be set free by this wonderful message—I sure have.”
Susan Stoll

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