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My Brother’s Crown
My Brother’s Crown

As Renee Talbot makes a shocking discovery about a childhood event, she draws courage and wisdom from an ancestor who stood strong and faithful when life was at its most perilous and God seemed to expect more from her than she ever thought she could deliver.


The Most Famous Illegal Goose Creek Parade
The Most Famous Illegal Goose Creek Parade

In this first book of the Tales from the Goose Creek B&B, you’ll fall in love with a small town that feels like coming home. Its quirky characters and their many shenanigans will make you laugh out loud as they touch a place in your heart.


Midnight on the Mississippi
Midnight on the Mississippi

Hunter Galen is accused of murder. Nicki Price, PI, wants to clear his name. As they encounter sophisticated shell games, blackmail, and murder, Nicki and Hunter’s only option is to turn to God as they search for answers, elude lethal danger, and perhaps discover love along the way.


Love Still Stands
Love Still Stands

Bethel is a beautiful young woman with a passion for teaching. But after being disabled in a terrible accident, overseeing a classroom is out of the question…and romance seems a long-lost dream. Can she find the faith to believe that God still has a plan—and a love—for her life?

Love Comes to Paradise
Love Comes to Paradise

When Elam Detweiler leaves the ultraconservative district of Harmony, Maine, and moves to Paradise, Missouri, Nora King follows soon after. But does she love the man or the independence and freethinking he represents? And when Lewis Miller wishes to court her, will her heart lean his way—the Amish way?

The Last Heiress
The Last Heiress

When British heiress Amanda Dunn meets American patriot Nathaniel Cooper in North Carolina, her desire to quickly return home changes. But they come from different worlds. And though they both believe they are on God’s path, how will their feelings about indenture and slavery affect those around them?


A Home for Lydia
A Home for Lydia

Lovely Lydia Fisher may be an outspoken Amish woman, but she also desperately needs her job at the Plain Cabins at Pebble Creek. Though sparks fly at first between her and her new boss, when the cabins are robbed, nothing is more important to Aaron than making sure Lydia is safe.

The Healer’s Touch
The Healer’s Touch

Lyric doesn’t ask for much—just acceptance from her rural community. But her family is regarded with suspicion because of her mother’s mental illness. Lyric is resigned to a life of isolation and doesn’t see any way out…but that’s before Ian Cawley bolts into her life on a runaway stallion.

A Dream for Tomorrow
A Dream for Tomorrow

In this second story of the Homeward on the Oregon Trail series, Elizabeth Martin and her family heads south along the Oregon coast. Will Eli Kincade change his own plans and accompany Elizabeth to her new and permanent home? Or will his mysterious past continue to keep them from love?

A Cowboy at Heart
A Cowboy at Heart

When an unscrupulous cattle baron tries to steal Amish land, a brave cowboy intervenes and is wounded. Lovely Katie Miller, the young healer in the district, attends to him while trying to guard her heart. Could there possibly be a future with Jesse Montgomery only God can bring about?

Anna’s Healing
Anna’s Healing

When a tornado strikes, Anna Schwartz’s life is changed forever. She suffers a spinal cord injury and finds herself learning to live as a paraplegic. But then a miracle happens, and the world’s attention is drawn to this young Amish girl who has experienced the unexplainable.


The Amish Nanny
The Amish Nanny

Amish-raised Ada Rupp is at a crossroads. It’s time to make a commitment to the faith and join the church, especially if she wants a future with the handsome Amish widower Will Gundy, but a young Mennonite scholar named Daniel also tugs at her heart. Which path will she choose?


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