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Maria Finds Courage
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Release Date: August 2018
Page Count: 32
Size: 11 x 9 1/2
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-7369-7323-6
Case Lot Quantity: 32
Collection/Series Name: Team Dungy

Maria Finds Courage

A Team Dungy Story About Soccer

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Find the Courage to Try Something New

When Maria's family moves to a new town, her parents sign her up for the summer soccer team to help her meet new friends. But Maria has never tried soccer before. She would rather be back on her old swim team. Maria is afraid she will be the worst player and no one will like her.

Coach Tony and Coach Lauren remind Maria everything is new at first. Maria will have to give soccer a try to see if she likes it. What have you wanted to try but were afraid to? Like Maria, you can have the courage to try something new, because who knows? That new thing you try might just become your next favorite thing!


Join the Team!

The Team Dungy series of picture books for young readers, ages 6-9, teaches character-building lessons through the familiar world of sports.

Meet the authors

Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Quiet Strength and Uncommon. He enjoyed a successful career in the National Football League, winning Super Bowls as a player and as a coach. Tony is involved in numerous charities, including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and All Pro Dad. He and his wife, Lauren,...

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Lauren Dungy

Lauren Dungy

Lauren Dungy is the bestselling author of You Can Be a Friend and Uncommon Marriage, a frequently sought-after speaker, and an early childhood educational specialist. She is vice president of the Dungy Family Foundation, an organization committed to strengthening families and helping individuals acquire needed life skills. In addition to being a foster parent with...

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Guy Wolek

Over the course of his 35-year career, Guy Wolek has done everything from working as a courtroom sketch artist, to illustrating children’s books, to developing characters for animation. His illustration credits include Carson Chooses Forgiveness; Dinner with Olivia™; and the Maximilian P. Mouse, Time Traveler series. A father and grandfather, Guy lives...

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1 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

11/08/18 Taryn H.


Maria Finds Courage and Austin Plays Fair are two wonderful children’s books that embrace childhood struggles. They don’t have the typical happy ever after ending; they offer so much more.

Both books address the fears and struggles young children are confronted with and allow them to realize they are not alone.

I highly recommend that both of these books be offered to schools, child psychologists, and families. Children need to understand challenges they face and how to deal with them. Both of these books realistically address children’s issues and I hope they plans on a complete series of them.

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