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A Marriage Without Regrets
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Release Date: July 2007
Page Count: 256
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-2075-9
Case Lot Quantity: 48

A Marriage Without Regrets

No matter where you are or where you’ve been, you can have…


“This book isn’t about how to have a perfect marriage, or to change our spouses,” says Kay. “It’s about having the kind of marriage where you can stand before God and say, ‘Lord, I was all that You intended me to be.’ Only when we make that kind of commitment can we truly have a marriage without regrets!”

Speaking candidly about her first marriage, her conversion to Christianity, and her longtime marriage to Jack, Kay offers practical advice on effective communication, security and significance, difficult relationships, parenting, and God’s guidelines for divorce and remarriage.

Readers will discover what the Bible says about…

  • resolving conflict
  • understanding each partner’s role
  • improving the sexual relationship
  • becoming financially wise
  • respecting and keeping marriage vows

This rerelease with a fresh new cover (more than 110,000 copies sold) contains the marriage-building and life-changing material Kay has presented to enthusiastic audiences worldwide—helping thousands of people in many countries experience supportive, Christ-centered marriages.

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Editorial Reviews

"Submission in marriage can be a scary concept for a young woman today—but Kay's teachings are so biblically sound and enlightening that by the end, you can't wait to submit to the man you love. This book takes the 'me' out of marriage and makes it all about God."
Christian Retailing

"Bible teacher Arthur shares from personal experience when looking through the lens of Scripture at marriage.  She addresses tough issues such as guidelines on divorce and remarriage, relationship headship, submission, surviving a difficult marriage, positive parenting and more."
Christian Retailing


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“I wholly recommend Kay’s materials because Kay has a strong commitment to the integrity of the Word and is amongst those who are faithful to preach the Truth.  I know that Kay’s materials will continue to be used greatly by our ministry….” 

“I wholly recommend Kay’s materials because Kay has a strong commitment to the integrity of the Word and is amongst those who are faithful to preach the Truth.  I know that Kay’s materials will continue to be used greatly by our ministry…. ”

“Kay Arthur does it again.  She addresses a serious and sensitive subject with sensibility.  Here’s a book husbands and wives should read together, to grow together. ” 

“Kay Arthur does it again.  She addresses a serious and sensitive subject with sensibility.  Here’s a book husbands and wives should read together, to grow together.” 

“Kay’s firsthand experience, wisely shared from a Biblical point of view, will help any couple find a marriage without regret.  It is never too late to start.  Read the book!  Do the study!”

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