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My Amish Childhood
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Release Date: February 2013
Page Count: 256
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-5006-0
Case Lot Quantity: 52

My Amish Childhood

A True Story of Faith, Family, and the Simple Life

Bestselling fiction author Jerry S. Eicher (nearly half a million books sold) turns his pen to a moving memoir of his life growing up Amish.

Jerry’s mother was nineteen years old and nine months married when he was born. She had received Grandfather Stoll’s permission for the wedding because she agreed to help out on the farm the following year. However, with Jerry on the way, those plans failed.

Jerry recounts his first two years of school in the Amish community of Aylmer, Ontario and his parents’ decision to move to Honduras.  Life in that beautiful Central American country is seen through an Amish boy’s eyes—and then the dark days when the community failed and the family returned to America, much to young Jerry’s regret. Jerry also tells of his struggle as a stutterer and his eventual conversion to Christ and the reasons for his departure from the childhood faith he knew.

Here is a must-read for not just Jerry’s fiction fans, but also for readers curious about Amish life.

Meet the author

Jerry S. Eicher

Jerry S. Eicher

Jerry Eicher’s Amish fiction has sold more than 800,000 copies. After a traditional Amish childhood, Jerry taught for two terms in Amish and Mennonite schools in Ohio and Illinois. Since then he’s been involved in church renewal, preaching, and teaching Bible studies. Jerry lives with his wife, Tina, in Virginia.

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A Word from the Author

“My childhood was a time of intense contrasts, of struggles wrapped up in deep joy, of finding and losing again. But it is my story, told with maximum honesty. It is what made me and left me the foundation on which my life rests. Buried in its nostalgic shadow lies the defining description of our slice of Amish church and culture.”
Jerry Eicher, author of My Amish Childhood

Editorial Reviews

“Fans of his fiction will fall in love with the characters that form the basis for his novels.”
Publishers Weekly

My Amish Childhood is beautifully written.”
CBA Retailers+Resources

“…heartfelt and painfully honest…”

“…a wonderful historical account of one Amish group’s experience.”

“What an amazing story!”

"I loved [Eicher's] writing style and his ability to weave a perfect story around his growing up years."


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“This is a wonderful historical account of an Amish group's experience. It was very fascinating to me. I highly recommend this book.”
Rhonda Nash-Hall

“Jerry’s adventures will astound you.”
—Paula Osborne, arpaul-paula.blogspot.com

“For those fascinated by the Amish culture and lifestyle, I recommend Eicher's autobiography.”
—Brandy Bruce, editor and writer

“I must admit, I thought I knew a lot about the Amish until I read this book, which is packed full of information. I also gained insight into Jerry and what made him the author he is today! No wonder he writes with such understanding of the Plain People. A great book that you should not miss reading!”
Karla Hanns, karla-hanns-karla.blogspot.com

“I enjoyed this book immensely.”
Judy Burgi

“This is a very enlightening book about Jerry Eicher’s childhood.”
—Wendy Newcomb, wrensthoughts.blogspot.com

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