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My So-Called Life as a Submissive Wife
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Release Date: August 2013
Page Count: 224
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-5283-5
Case Lot Quantity: 56

My So-Called Life as a Submissive Wife

A One-Year Experiment…and Its Liberating Results

Can a modern wife be submissive to her husband?

In her highly anticipated sequel to My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife, author Sara Horn takes on one of the most widely debated subjects for a Christian wife—marital submission.

What does biblical submission look like for wives today? And why is submission viewed as such a dirty word by so many women and men in our culture, including Christians? Can a happily married couple live out the biblical model of submission and be the better for it?

Horn takes on a one-year experiment to seek answers to these questions and to explore what it means to be submissive as a wife and “helper” to her husband. The answers—and her discoveries—may surprise you.

This unique, entertaining, and thought-provoking personal account will challenge women to throw out their preconceived notions of what a submissive wife looks like and seek fresh leading from God for their lives and marriages today.

Meet the author

Sara Horn

Sara Horn

Sara Horn is a wife and mom and the founder of Wives of Faith, a ministry for military wives. She’s written numerous articles and books, including My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife and My So-Called Life as a Submissive Wife. She’s devoted to her husband, who serves in the US...

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A Word from the Author

"When I first set out to take on this 'experiment,' really attempting to live out in my marriage what biblical submission looks like, not even my husband initially wanted me to do it! (You may see the irony there.) This is not a popular topic in our culture today! 'How to be more submissive' is not exactly something women are pinning to their Pinterest pages. But what I learned during my year-long focus was that God truly does have a plan for married couples, and He has a purpose for each of us. And when I was willing to step back just a little bit, I saw my husband have a lot more room to step forward and follow the plan God has for him. And the best part, it didn't interfere with the plan God had for me! There is significant freedom that comes when we release our individual wills to God's will. The blessings that we gain are beautiful."
Sara Horn, author of My So-Called Life as a Submissive Wife

Editorial Reviews

“I highly recommend this book to every Christian wife and strongly believe that upon finishing the book, you too will have a new perspective on the way that God intended marriage to function.”

“This book will change your whole outlook on your marriage if you give it the chance. I know it did in mine.”

“I liked that Sara chose to be personal…she not only shared the good times, the triumphs, the happiness, [and] the good insights she gained, but that she also shared the times when she felt frustrated, irritated, overwhelmed, resistant, or not good enough. It’s a very ‘real’ book.”

“I loved Sara’s honesty in this book!”

“I loved this book! It was real and relatable."


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