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The Rest of the Gospel
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Release Date: April 2014
Page Count: 256
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-5638-3
Case Lot Quantity: 44

The Rest of the Gospel

When the Partial Gospel Has Worn You Out

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“Do I have life ‘more abundant’?”  That’s a question millions of Christians have asked down through the ages.  Dan Stone asked that question during a time of spiritual frustration in his own life and God answered by showing Dan he had been living only a part of the gospel message. Dan’s search led him to discover the truth of “Christ in you” as “the rest of the gospel” that most Christians overlook.

Readers who are hungry for a deeper experience with God will resonate with Dan’s discovery of “the rest of the gospel,” which is indeed rest for everyone who is willing to finally let go and let God.

Meet the authors

Dan Stone

Dan Stone was a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and served as a pastor for sixteen years and in administration at Georgetown College and Samford University.  He traveled the U.S. sharing the message of “ Christ in you” for more than twenty years. He authored the Union Life Ministries book The Mystery of...

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David Gregory

David Gregory

David Gregory is the author of several books including the New York Times bestseller Dinner with a Perfect Stranger and Christy Award finalist The Last Christian. David earned masters degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and the University of North Texas. He now writes full time and lives in the Pacific Northwest.

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Editorial Reviews

"The Rest of the Gospel is an encouraging and helpful guide for both new Christians and longtime believers to understanding and experiencing the abundant Christian life."
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4 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

08/08/21 Rachel


What a revelation this book has been. I am grateful that this book was given to me. I too was searching and struggling to live a life of faith and truth but failing. I knew I was missing the power to live in peace. This book continues to speak to me that I am in Christ and can rest in him. I was shook to my core of the revelation of “the rest of the gospel.” Nothing is the same since.

07/18/17 Barbara M.


The Rest of the Gospel has blessed me so much I can’t find the words to express just how much! I have shared with many friends and several of them have ordered the book for themselves. I will continue to share the rich truth about what Jesus Christ has done for us!

02/22/17 Sophie B.

This book enabled me to understand who I am as a Christian. It opened up the Bible verses that I read and memorized and quoted, but I still struggled with my inner self; especially with self condemnations. It was like a light-bulb that turned on and finally who Jesus is in me and for me had meaning. Finally I rest in Him. Finally I don’t try to be a Christian. Finally I can say thank you Jesus…take over my thoughts; take over this situation; I’m trusting in you. I let go and allow my mind to be still. Oh, how He has done so much for me and I didn’t have to do a thing. Just trust and believe Jesus is who He says He is. Praise Him. Praise Him.

God’s timing is always right. Jesus knew I needed to learn this truth of Christ in me “for such a time as this.” A lot has happened this past year and without this revelation of Christ in me I don’t know if I could be the Christian that I am now. There is peace and joy in my life. God has gifted you with the ability to say in words what the Bible teaches, in a clear understanding of what the teaching means. Most of the time we know it in our heads, but it doesn’t stay with us as we live from day to day, until that appointed time when the Holy Spirit reveals the TRUTH to our hearts. Then we are free, in the Spirit.

Thank you for sharing your gift to the world.


“I read this book in English (my second language) and it was such a blessing that I keep it always at hand because it is always good to go back and read again some bits that spoke to me in a personal way. Since I got it I have bought it again and given it away more than once and have offered my friends to borrow my copy all the time! It is such a blessing that I want to share it!”

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