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Sarah’s Orphans
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Release Date: September 2016
Page Count: 368
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-5607-9
Case Lot Quantity: 40
Collection/Series Name: Plain and Simple Miracles
Series: 3

Sarah’s Orphans

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Orphaned…But Never Abandoned by God

Sarah Yoder belongs to a Plain community in Oklahoma, but her days are far from simple. Life suddenly gets complicated when a series of tragic events unfold, leaving her in charge of the household.  
Alone with her younger siblings, Sarah is exhausted but finally at peace. Then she nearly runs over a small Hispanic boy with her buggy…and somehow finds herself sheltering two more orphans.

Paul Byler moved to Cody’s Creek to help his brother in a time of need. But now that Joseph has recovered from his heart attack, Paul’s ready for a quiet place of his own. The only problem? His new property lands him next door to the orphaned Yoder family—and a calling from God he can’t seem to ignore.

A story of extraordinary grace and love in the face of desperate need, Sarah’s Orphans is the third standalone novel in the Plain and Simple Miracles collection by Vannetta Chapman. 

Meet the author

Vannetta Chapman

Vannetta Chapman

Vannetta Chapman writes inspirational fiction full of grace. She has published over one hundred articles in Christian family magazines, receiving more than two dozen awards from Romance Writers of America chapter groups. She discovered her love for the Amish while researching her grandfather’s birthplace of Albion, Pennsylvania. Her novel Falling to Pieces was...

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A Word from the Author

"I'm so happy to share this final book in the Plain & Simple Miracles series. Inspired by James 1:27, I couldn't help wondering how that commandment to 'look after orphans and widows in their distress' applies to the church today. Do we still have orphans among us? Is it still up to us to take care of them? And then my research turned up cases where the Amish have adopted those in need, whether or not they were previously a part of the Amish faith. The result is, I hope, inspiring fiction based on real life events. May you be blessed and more aware of the orphans around you."
Vannetta Chapman, author of Sarah's Orphans


1 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

Vannetta Chapman creates unique Amish fiction, not the ordinary Amish romance. She puts her heart and faith into her writing, with grace and compassion. Topics in this book are varied, evoking numerous emotions, heartache, despair, hope, and the beauty of compassion from the Amish community. Social and personal issues are paramount in this compelling novel.

I loved this novel as it moved seamlessly through very difficult circumstances to redemption by the grace of God. Words can’t quite convey what I’m feeling about this book. I’m still absorbing the issues demonstrated in this very special Amish novel. I highly recommend Sarah’s Orphans!

Write A Review

"Oh what a wonderful story of how even in our darkest circumstances God will always take care of us and give us more than our heart's desires.... I am amazed at how Sarah's Orphans have spoken to me in so many different ways!
Debbie Johnson

"This is the kind of book that will make you rethink your view of Amish fiction!  Vannetta Chapman covers new ground as she explores foster care, adoption and ethnicity in Sarah's Orphans."
Liz Vander Lee

"I cried, I laughed, and when I finished this book, I let out a sigh of relief. This is a story that will stick with me forever."
Melissa Henderson

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