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Set-Apart Femininity
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Release Date: August 2008
Page Count: 240
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-2286-9
Case Lot Quantity: 48

Set-Apart Femininity

God’s Sacred Intent for Every Young Woman

Leslie Ludy, author of Authentic Beauty and the bestselling When God Writes Your Love Story, revealshow a young woman’s pursuit of acceptance and sameness directly counters her true purpose—to be set apart by her love for God and God’s love for her.

This empowering message filled with inspiring stories, personal illustrations, and a foundation of God’s Word to awaken young women to sacred femininity and a life infused with meaning. Each chapter encourages readers to release worldly standards and set their sights on a more worthy pursuit as they:

  • surrender to God’s love and wholeness
  • embrace the real blueprint for beauty
  • enjoy spectacular purpose
  • captivate the masculine heart
  • cultivate spiritual strength

This journey will spark a desire in every woman to leave the fairy tale of the masses behind and walk toward the unique beauty, love, and dreams God has for her.

Meet the author

Leslie Ludy

Leslie Ludy

Leslie Ludy is the bestselling author of Set-Apart Femininity, When God Writes Your Love Story, Authentic Beauty, and more than a dozen other books she has coauthored with her husband, Eric. She reaches thousands of young women each year and is passionate about helping them discover Christ’ s design for their lives. Leslie and Eric...

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Editorial Reviews

“This book has captured what it means to be a godly Christian woman. And it’s not about wearing a potato sack and doing whatever a man tells you to do. You are allowed to be beautiful, to shine—but also to fight for truth, to stand up for those that everybody else ignores or passes by. Being a woman is not all soft and flowery, though there are those aspects also. But as the author points out, it is time to get some fire back into our hearts! Not a self–centered fire that burns and destroys, but a holy fire that inspires. I felt my heart being moved, and my spirit rising up to join the ranks of godly women everywhere who have made the choice to be set–apart for Christ and His Kingdom. Read this book and be encouraged, challenged, and empowered.”

"What Leslie Ludy's book WILL do is make you a young woman after God's own heart...and nothing is more beautiful than a girl on fire for God, filled with His Spirit and set apart for His good works. Set-Apart Femininity raises the bar on the standards for women...

"I challenge every mom, daughter, sister, woman, and girl to get and read this book. Read it in a group. Read it with a notebook and highlighter nearby. Pray about the message of the book and see if it won't give you something you may not have even known you longed for."
A Peek at My Bookshelf

“Leslie Ludy’s latest book Set–Apart Femininity is a must–read for all females. I can readily relate to Ludy’s witness...This book’s target audience is young adult; however, seasoned women like myself can benefit from reading Set–Apart Femininity.”
Debra Gaynor for ReviewYourBook.com

“...the chances of this book making you think harder, read more widely, study more diligently and know what you believe are very high...She doesn’t want to leave her reader content with the thoughts they had when they cracked open the book. She wants to motivate you to change your way of thinking and living. That is her goal. The reason why I love this book is because she makes no bones about her goal. She is straight forward, blunt and honest which is something I very much appreciate...I submit to you that you won’t regret reading this book. It’ll set you on fire one way or another.”

“Leslie Ludy is a fresh voice in an age of compromise, and a passionate leader of young women everywhere. This book will appeal to those who believe that the lines have become blurred between the church and the world—and would be perfect for a discussion group or book club.”

Set–Apart Femininity, by Leslie Ludy is not a light–hearted read. It’s for someone who truly wants to challenge what they believe about femininity and what Christian women should be like. Leslie, though she writes quite eloquently, is very straightforward in her desire to be real about the issue. She challenges you to think past what most ‘beauty books’ ask you to do; and to get past what we have been taught as girls. She motivates you to change. She is radical, and yet I’d be shocked if you read this and do nothing with it...

“This book is really challenging. It will motivate you to change. While I know not everyone will agree with everything she says. I truly found it inspiring and believe this is a book I will be keeping on my bookshelf and going through it with my daughters when they are old enough to understand some of these issues...

“So thank–you Leslie for lighting a fire underneath me and I’m praying that I can bring this message to my girls!”

“This book is not for the faint of heart…but it is the real, honest, hard-hitting book that many young women are craving.”
—YouthWorker Journal

“If you are a young woman who will dare to raise the bar in your relationship with Christ and the way you live it out on a daily basis, I urge you to read this book.”


2 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

12/21/14 Nathan Johnson

Set–Apart Femininity is just like what Leslie Ludy beckons young women to become: a lily among thorns. Even in today’s Christian culture, few books touch the issue of dying to self in order to earnestly seek one single thing, a passionate love relationship with Jesus Himself. This book is a treasure and a beacon of light within the shallows of mediocrity and complacency. It shines forth the truth of the Gospel and the lifestyle Jesus calls us to. Leslie Ludy, with her poetic and stirring prose, blazingly calls young women to the indwelling life of Christ—not what you can do or perform but what He can do in and through you! It is about a life completely given over to the King of kings and the Lord of lords; for Him to spill and spend your life as He chooses.
“As a man whose heart is set on Jesus, Set–Apart Femininity captures the essence and beauty of what I deeply desire for my future wife to be. Yet this book was both inspiring and convicting to me personally as well. Though the book was written specifically to young women, men can glean a lot about the character of Christ and what we as believers (both male and female) are called to be. This book is an encouragement to stand in the face of culture, stand for purity and truth, and allow Christ to live His spotless life through us. Like a diamond hidden within the rocks, Set–Apart Femininity is a priceless treasure in book form. You will not only want to read it more than once but will be compelled to share it with everyone you know. This is no doubt Leslie Ludy’s finest book to date, which I am highly recommending to everyone I know. Find the true treasure, not in yourself, but in Him.”

12/21/14 Davina

“A calling for valiant women. This book is truly set–apart from a plethora of so called ’Christian books’. It is about living life fully devoted to Christ in each area of life…no matter the cost. By reading this book I found myself delving more and more into the Bible and in prayer. It is hard to come across books in which sacrificing ourselves to Christ is the message. There are many examples of women giving their all for Christ in this book. It is not just an inspiring read; it is a life changing book!”

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