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Soul Care
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Release Date: September 2024
Page Count: 224
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-8821-6
Case Lot Quantity: 52

Soul Care

*Find Life-Giving Rhythms *Live Restored *Avoid Burnout *Discover Unspeakable Joy

How Full Do You Feel?

In our fast-paced culture plagued with burnout, stress, and chronic fatigue, we often find that we’re functioning out of emptiness. What would it be like to experience a fullness in our life that was truly lasting and regenerative?

In Soul Care, licensed counselor Debra Fileta shows you how Jesus’ own life rhythms can guide you to true health and rest, teaching you how to live full rather than empty. Rooted in Scripture and expertly informed by clinical psychology, Soul Care identifies six life-giving practices from the life of Jesus that address your whole person—mind, body, and spirit. As you are guided toward your own practice of biblical self-care, you will learn how

  • the Bible responds to common myths about soul care
  • a lack of soul care impacts your relationships, ministries, and careers
  • to recognize the signs and signals of burnout and respond proactively with practical solutions

Empty people cannot fill up others. As you learn to be filled as Jesus was by intentional rhythms and practices, you will experience renewed energy, motivation, and strength to serve others as you never have before!

Meet the author

Debra  Fileta

Debra Fileta

Debra Fileta, M.A., LPC is a licensed professional counselor, national speaker, and author of Are You Really OK? She’s also the founder of the Debra Fileta Counselors Network. Through her popular blog (TrueLoveDates.com) and podcast (Love & Relationships), she shares the message that healthy people make healthy relationships. Debra and her...

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FOREWORD by Pastor Tim Timberlake
AMID THE FRENETIC PACE OF OUR MODERN WORLD, where hustle and grind often feel like badges of honor, the concept of “soul care” may seem foreign, even impractical. But as you hold this book in your hands and prepare to embark on a journey toward more profound understanding and practice, I implore you to pause for a moment. Take a deep breath. Reflect on your own life and the moments when you felt most alive, most connected, and most at peace. Chances are that those moments had something to do with your soul’s well-being.

Soul Care isn’t just another self-help book. It’s a lifeline, an invitation to rediscover the rhythms that make you whole and connected to your most authentic self. It’s a call to embrace the wisdom of the ages and integrate it into your modern, fast-paced life. It explores the delicate balance between the spiritual and the physical, the profound and the practical, and the eternal and the everyday.

Through a journey of personal discovery and transformation, Debra realized a fundamental truth: In the pursuit of spiritual growth and resilience, we often overlook the importance of taking care of our physical bodies. This subtle yet profound revelation can reshape how you view your well-being. It’s the understanding that sometimes, the answer to your struggles and suffering might be as simple as drinking more water. But it’s also more than that; it’s about recognizing your role and responsibility in your journey toward wholeness.

The Bible is a source of timeless wisdom, and in its pages, water is not just a metaphor but a tangible symbol of life, cleansing, and sustenance. It’s a testament to the idea that soul care is holistic, encompassing both the spiritual and the physical. From the Old Testament to the New, water flows through the scriptures as a reminder of God’s provision and care. Just as God provided for the Israelites in the desert, He offers the same to us. Water represents life, salvation, and the Word of God itself.

In Jesus’s humanity, we find a profound lesson. When He, fully God and fully man, uttered the simple words “I thirst” as He hung on the cross, it was an acknowledgment of His humanity, a reminder that even amid profound spiritual purpose, He had physical needs. His request for a drink was a call for refreshment, not just for His body, but for His soul. In His final moments, He revealed the intimate connection between physical well-being and spiritual fulfillment.

This book will guide you toward rediscovering your life-giving rhythms, reminding you that caring for your soul is not a luxury but a necessity. This journey involves acknowledging your physical needs, tending to your spiritual health, and understanding that the two are intricately intertwined.

As you delve into the pages of this book, I encourage you to approach it with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the practical and spiritual dimensions of soul care. The insights you’ll find here are not just theoretical but deeply practical, designed to help you find rest during life’s chaos, avoid burnout, and experience unshakable joy.

In a world that often emphasizes “more” and “faster,” this book invites you to consider the counterintuitive power of “less” and “slower.” It’s a call to reconnect with your true self, embrace the rhythms that nurture your soul, and ultimately experience the peace and fulfillment that come from aligning your physical and spiritual well-being.

May the wisdom contained within these pages be a wellspring of inspiration and transformation as you embark on your own soul-care journey. And, like Jesus at the well, may you find not only refreshment for your body but also nourishment for your soul.

Pastor Tim Timberlake
Senior Pastor, Celebration Church
Author, The Art of Overcoming and The Power of 1440

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