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The Stones Cry Out
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Release Date: November 1997
Page Count: 440
Size: 5 1/4 x 8
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-1-56507-640-2
Case Lot Quantity: 32

The Stones Cry Out

How Archaeology Reveals the Truth of the Bible

Were Sodom and Gomorrah real cities, and were they really destroyed in catastrophic firestorms? Can we respond to the historians who have long claimed that King David was only a mythical figure? Is there archaeological evidence for Jesus’ historical existence here on earth?

In recent excavation, archaeologists have unearthed both surprising and substantial answers to these questions and others. Pottery shards, stone inscriptions, ancient scrolls, and other fascinating artifacts have shed new light on the people and events of the Bible—bringing them from the realm of mystery to the world of fact.

Discover what new archaeological finds have to tell us about Israel’s journey to the promised land, the fall of Jericho’s walks, the ark of the covenant, the kings and prophets of Israel, the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the time and people of Jesus, and more. Includes testimonies and interviews from leading archaeologists and exciting pictures featuring the latest finds made in the lands of the Bible.

The Stones Cry Out will give you a new appreciation for both the world and the Word of the Bible!

Meet the author

Randall Price

Randall Price

Randall Price (Th.M. Old Testament and Semitic Languages, and Ph.D. Middle Eastern Studies) has lived in Jerusalem and done graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. As president of World of the Bible Ministries, he lectures worldwide on Bible prophecy and directs tours in the Bible lands. He is the author of...

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1 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

12/21/14 Tiffani Cutlip

“This book really inspired me.  I used to have this image in my head that the places in the Bible looked exactly like they used to.  It really opened my eyes to what it was really like and made me realize that my faith is being proven every day through archaeology.  Thank you so much for sharing what you have found with the world.”

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